Hp Au idea (go ahead and adopt if you want)

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AU where Harry is Lily and Severus's child and then James fills Snape's roll as the snarky teacher who is mean to Harry but is a double agent for Voldy

Except Lily and Severus never died so when Harry writes home about the mean Professor Potter who gave him detention like a billion times, he is not expecting the response

Lily actually comes to the school and chews out James for picking on her son just because he never liked Severus

She does this in the great hall and everyone is in shock

Except Harry who is in awe of his mother and the power she wields

James and Sirius are still great friends and they both end up being double agents for Voldemort

Bc Lily makes Severus and Lupin make up about that one time where James tried to kill Snape, Lupin is Harry's godfather instead of Sirius, but Sirius is like the one Uncle that is super fun at parties but your parents don't entirely approve of

Harry has a better life in general bc he's not famous since his parents are still alive, but the world is also a little bit more grim since it took a lot longer for the first war to end (I'll think that through more thoroughly later)

He becomes friends with Ron in the first potions class where James was mean to Harry

It took a little longer for them to be friends bc in the canon first book he only goes to Harry's compartment because he's famous

Harry kind of knew the Weasley's because Molly and Lily were good friends from the Order, but he hadn't really hung out with Ron a lot

Him and Hermione are pretty much best friends, though

Since Harry actually had guardian's who cared about him as well as two magical parents, he knows a lot more about the magical world and Hermione is constantly asking him for information about the Wizarding culture

Also Lily and Snape were actually good students so Harry has way better Study habits

Harry also knows the Lovegoods from a young age, and I'm thinking he probably ends up dating Luna for a while, if I don't make her fill Ginny's place

On the first day of school, Harry ends up in Draco's compartment and they become friends. Crabb and Goyle end up getting really jealous of how Harry and Draco are actually friends and the wizards duel in the first year is actually a result of Crabbe and Goyle challenging Draco to a duel. Harry tries to talk him out of it but Draco isn't that smart. Harry ends up being his second. Hermione and Ron follow them, as well as Neville. They see the three headed dog, but it's Draco who makes it through the fire at the end of the year. He just curses Quirrel and then he has the stone and just leaves. Because Draco is a lot of things, but Slytherins are resourceful.

Harry, Hermione, Draco, Luna, Neville and Ron are sort of a group, with Cho joining at some point because I need people who aren't Gryffindor's to be in this group

Speaking of, I think Harry could have been put in a different house. Since he didn't have the stupid stigma about Slytherins, he could have been put in there, but since both his parents are super smart and probably rubbed off on him, I want to see him in Ravenclaw. (Not to mention Hufflepuff, since in the seventh book he literally dies to save his friends and that's LOYALTY, dammit, and Hufflepuffs are the loyal ones, not Gryffindors I'M LOOKING AT YOU ROWLING) So he's probably not in Gryffindor.

But Ron isn't really friends with him and is more friends with Dean and Seamus, so he's kind of where Neville is in the canon, whereas Draco fills the roll of slightly stupid best friend. He's just a lot more resourceful and has a much longer feud with Hermione than Ron did in the first books. At some point during the second year, Harry takes him aside and says, "Look mate, I know you're all about blood and stuff, but if you go after 'Mione for it one more time I'm not going to give you any Christmas presents this year."

Draco stops picking on Hermione.

I haven't fully thought this through, especially considering how different the entire plot line would be if Harry's parents were still alive, but hey, this was fun to make. I love ranting about this stuff.

Please comment any thoughts you have! I would love to add on to this AU with other people's opinions. (Also sorry I ranted for so long, there were about 700 words without this end not here.)

Love you all! Bye!

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