The beginning of The End

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"A game?" A girl looked curiously at a letter.

"Oletus manor?"

"Why not, I have nothing else to do here..." She sighed to herself and began packing.


""  Martha glanced up looking at the creepy mansion.  She walked up to those large wooden doors and knocked.  Nobody answered.  She tried again, and there was silence.  She sighed to herself, considering it to be some kind of trick.  Just as she was about to turn away, the door creaked open.

"Hi, you must be the new survivor!"

A girl, around 17.

"Yes"  Answered Martha, obviously confused.

"I'm Emma! Nice to meet you!" She replied cheerfully.

"I'm Martha."

"Come right in!"  She opened the door wider, and gestured Martha to step in.  The room was bigger than she thought, and Martha knew she only saw a small part of it.

"Emma, where's the new survivor?"  Another girl, seemingly more mature than the first. Approached them.

"Here, her name's Martha!"  Emma gleefully introduced Martha to Emily.  She was wearing a nurse uniform, but Martha can tell from Emily's eyes she more than a nurse.  Sometimes knowledge makes you more vulnerable, she reminded herself. 

"Follow us, we'll lead you to your room."  Emily said, she turned and led Martha up a stairwell and into a long hallway.  They stopped in front of a door.

"324, your room.  The key is in the letter." She said, pointing at the letter in Martha's hand.  A key in the letter?  Martha doesn't remember seeing any, but she checked anyways.  Sure enough, there was a small golden key.  She took it out and tried the door, and it clicked open. strange she thought to herself.

Upon entering the room, Martha dropped her almost empty bag of stuff onto the bed.  A picture slipped out.  A boy around 13 and a girl around 12.

"Where are you N?" Martha muttered to herself.  The girl was clearly Martha herself, but the boy, whom she called N.  Who was he?  In the picture, the two children's eyes sparkled with happiness.  As if nothing in the world could bring them down.

Martha sighed to herself as she set down the photo; she began to check the place for hidden cameras.

"What is this?" Martha asked as she found a letter in the drawer.

Welcome to Oletus manor

Thank you for coming to this manor, as written on the invitation you are here to participate in the "game."  Your role in this game is the survivor.

There are a total of five ciphers, survivors have to decode all five and exit the gate to win; however, in the process, there will be a hunter to disrupt the decoding.  The hunter's goal is to eliminate more than to survivors.  Good luck

"Elimination?" Martha said to herself.

"Or death?"

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