A short essay ^_^V #Fanatic

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The world is a big arena. Anyone can be a player of a certain game. Where someone can't escape it's crowd's comments and criticisms. If you win, you'll be the hot-potato of the town. If you lose,  people will laugh or pity you. If you are the defending champion, and you lose, people will be disappointed. If you're a newbie and you just set a new record, you are also setting history. That big arena is the place where everyone is allowed to judge you. It is up to you if you'll get affected or intimidated.But nothing's permanent. It's hard to get there. And harder to stay there. It is the level where you exceed or go beyond the limit. Not just setting the standard but blowing a blast of full-potential. A stage where your opponent is no other than yourself. 

How to get there? A question that can be answered simply by two words-sacrifice and willpower. The heart wants what it wants. It's not just for fame, prize nor the feeling of achievement. It is more than that. Incomprehensible. The hunger and joy in there makes someone still continue despite of a great expense. The passion is there. The love and enthusiasm to show what you've got and to learn something.

Time is also a factor. You should offer your precious time to learn and make one step at a time, closer to improvement. 

Confidence is it's exterior. It is the ability to show the real you during the game. Removing the mask and staying true to your self. It is one of the spice to reach the top.

You are just beginning writing your book. It is the unraveling. It is not the means to an end. It is the means and process that goes there. In the end, it's not just about winning or losing. It is about how you've got there. Cliche as it sounds but it's reality. Gonna conquer it? Pausing for an answer. :)

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