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I found myself standing in-front of a cafe shop, in the midst of confusion I pushed the mirror door opened. I walked inside and saw a people sitting on their mono-blocks chair minding their own business, I turn my gazes on the mirror— the transparency of it revealed the beautiful view outside; the peaceful and healthy view of nature.

"you're new here" I turn my sight to the owner of the voice. it was a girl— the barista of the coffee shop. I walked to approach her. "you seem confused" she added.

"as far as I can remember I was doing a meditation, then I just found myself in front of that door. I know it's weird and impossible but that's what happened" I stated, trying to explain. a smile was carved on the barista's face.

"I'm Amelia, welcome to my coffee shop. what would you like to order?" the barista stated ignoring what I storied her earlier. "a frappé is fine right? okay just find some vacant seat and I'll deliver your coffee right away" she continued and enter the staff room.

"maybe she thought i'm insane" I whispered

despite being in the middle of confusion I turned my gazes away and find a vacant seat, as I found one I walked and sat.

what happened? is just a normal deja vu moment? a fantastic incident? or maybe because of stress i'm becoming an insane human. "geez! this drove me crazy" I whispered


"but what if I really just woke up and found myself here from my meditation? but that's impossible, I suppose? there's no such thing" I whispered again, almost losing sane.

"excuse me"

"and now I can hear a voices in my head? great! am I crazy? should I call for a psychiatrist or rehab myself?" I whispered as I frustratedly tweak my hair.

"I'm a real thing here, that's my usual spot but I guess some new comer occupied it and that's fine. I'll go search for a new seat" I turned my gazes to the person behind me. oh I wasn't dreaming or becoming crazy for hearing voices.

usual spot?

"so you usually come?" I asked when the guy was about to leave. he turned his gazes to me, I didn't realize that I was rudely glancing at him. I blinked "I mean I don't mind having a seat mate" I stated then put up an awkward smile. he stared at me as if I said something off. he gave me the looks while started to walked back and sat in-front of me.

"why does it feels like you don't like being here?" the guy asked. He is wearing a black suit and tie, his clean cut was cooperating well on his perfectly neat face— green eyes, dense black eyebrows, pointed nose, perfectly curved pinkish lips and sharp jaw. his Adams apple moves up and down as he spit the words he asked me.

"it's not like that, Its just— I don't know how I ended up here" I stated, frustrated tune of voice. "stress, anxiety attack, depression leads me to meditating and in a span of seconds I found myself here" I explained. a little bit of shock was seen on his face, he kept his posture composed hearing what I muttered.

"it took me 6 months mastering astral projection and now your saying me that, you just happened to meditate then ended up astral traveling instead? you must be kidding me" he stated. we both got distracted from the barista who land our coffee on the table.

"I see someone filling up the cup" Amelia stated while she looks at the guy. she leaves us both alone and smiled.

"astral projection? what is that?" I asked. is this some kind of science lecture that I happened to miss during my middle school year?

"it's an intentional out of the body experience, but in terms of you— you left your body unintentionally" he stated. my jaw dropped and my eyes openly widened by what he stated.

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