Hi :D I'm bad at writing stories don't kill me :DD I have a crap ton of ideas so they're gonna all go splat splat splat here
You can steal any of my ideas as long as you credit once (In the whole book) , it can be anywhere at the beginning at the end it can be in the middle, as long as you credit :D
This probably won't be updates too often, my mind needs time to think of ideas hEh
All of these are all unfinished stories without endings, I do not show how the relationship forms between the characters, instead I just show the broad outline of the story.
(Also the chapters will all have a random amount of ideas)
These ideas can be used for any ship you like (Change title if you want)
1. "Dance to the death" (Soulmate AU)
Every person has a box in which there are 2 people dancing, the dance has 21 steps, for each birthday they dance moves to the next step. You have 21 years to be in a relationship with your soulmate, if you're too late, you die. If you break the box something will happen (You people can choose :D)
2.) Highschool Musical
Character is in highschool, there's a musical going on but he decides against going, they were the only one that didn't go. Turns out the musical was used to try and hypnotize people, and have them become test subjects for the performers who were scientists trying to make the plant a better place by eliminating all who weren't "Worthy" with a drug. One of the scientists however isn't aboard the idea of eliminating all people who aren't "Worthy".
3.) Puppet
This is a simple concept, Character is a human that got cursed into a puppet, they can function like a human but usually acts like a puppet, one day a person finds the puppet and brings it home after all, it wasn't used for a while. Eventually the puppet gets attached to the human and shows them that they're not just a puppet, the human goes on an adventure to find out how to reverse the curse and live happily ever after with the puppet.
4.) Wings
Wow a character has wings, big deal, they were created by a group of scientists who wants to use the fact they can fly for the worse, assassinating people by dropping them from insane altitudes, robbing banks by grabbing all the money and flying away, mostly crime business. One day the scientists develop a better, robotic version of the character and they want the robot to hunt them down until they're dead, the character finds refuge from the robots and scientists in someone's house.
5.) The Downfall and Uprise
The prince sat alone on his throne, waiting to be crowned prince later today. The prince realized that to be king he must marry a maiden so he decided tO sAy hE wAs gAyyYYYYy aNd oH nO hE gOt kIcKeD oUt oF tHe tHrOne bEcAmE a pHeAsAnT. This other prince saw what happened and was like, hey, mArRy mEeE, the prince said yEs aNd tHeY sMoOcHed
I honestly can't write this idea without making it like this- But still uHHhh take the concept/idea if you see it 👀
tHe eNd