Part One: Down Time

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Head resting on a folded hand, you sigh heavily. The week's classes are over and everyone has gathered in the Okumura's building for the night. You all sit around a table in the cafeteria.
"I'm so bored!" Rin groans, breaking the silence. Adjusting himself to sit straight, Shima smirks at Rin.
"I have a brilliant idea!" He chimes with a grin.
"Here we go." Suguro sighs.
"Let's play seven minutes in heaven!" Shima exclaims.
"W-what's that?" Shiemi asks timidly.
"We spin a bottle and make out with who ever it lands on in some closet for seven minutes." Izumo drones, fingers tapping against the table. Eyes widening, Shiemi blushes profusely.
"It's okay, you don't have to make out with them." You giggle.
"Let's do it!" Rin jumps up, rooting through his backpack to find his water bottle.
"Will this do?" He asks, pouring the last of its contents onto the floor. Smiling, Shima nods and snatches the bottle.
"Any volunteers?" He asks, waving the bottle in the air. Desperately avoiding meeting Shima's eye, Yukio looks at the table.
"I'll do it." you take the bottle. Spinning it, you sit and watch nervously. 

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