Best Years of My Life

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A/N: Welcome to my first oneshot! Slight TW with this one as it covers the topic of terminal illness and death but will not be graphic or too distressing in any way but feel free to skip if you feel you need to. 

On with the chapter and I hope you enjoy it!


"I'm sorry Amy, but we believe that none of the treatment options available will be likely stop the progression of your condition and in fact could do more harm and potentially shorten your life. Having said this, please know that there is much that we can do now to manage whatever symptoms you might experience. I know this news may not be what you had hoped to hear, nor one which you would view as having opportunities. Take all the time you need to process this news and I am more than happy to answer any questions you or your partner may have." The doctor said softly, offering a voice of calm to the devastated couple sat before him: the young brunette woman had started sobbing into the young man's shoulder as he had broken the devastating news to them. 

"H-how long do I have?", Amy asked unwaveringly once she had recomposed herself, for a decision had already been set in stone in her mind.

"I couldn't say for certain, but judging by your results I would say probably around 12 to 18 months", the doctor replied calmly, feeling the familiar pangs of guilt and pity as he watched the young couple leave his office enveloped in each other; as many other couples, siblings and (most heartbreakingly) children and their parents had done before. 

But this young lady seemed different to all the others he had broken the same terrible news to: she oozed positivity and radiated confidence, confirmed through the power of the last thing he heard her say as she left his office for the final time:

"Ben, we're going to make this last year of my life the best year of my life" 


"Ben I-I can't d-do th-th-this!" Amy sobbed from the floor of the ensuite, slumped over the toilet as she had done most mornings over the past month whilst waiting for her medication to kick in. The only symptoms she had had so far were mild weight loss, nausea and vomiting; which were controlled by anti-nausea tablets and intermittent pain relief however today a new symptom had burst onto the scene: anxiety. She was certain that today was going to be the hardest to get through- she had to relive that fateful day once again, breaking the devastating news to the individuals who had collectively become like her second family: the Strictly pros. 

"Oh Ames sh sh it's okay, I'm here. What's wrong darling?" Ben cooed softly, scooping his fiancee into his arms and onto his lap holding her tightly, rocking them both gently back and forth. He knew their number of hugs were limited so he planned to savour every single one. 

"Its Today Ben. I can't do this to them. I can't break them, they're my second family Ben, it'll destroy them from the inside", she sobbed into his shoulder, breaking his heart even more. 

"But Ames, it will hurt them more if you don't tell them. Imagine how devastated they would be to wake up one morning to a text message or worse still the media telling them you've gone. And I'll be with you every step of the way," Ben reassured her, twirling her highlighted locks around his fingers and rocking her gently, knowing it wouldn't be like this much longer.

Ben knew it was going to be a tough day.  What was supposed to be a cheerful day, the first pro rehearsal for the 2022 Strictly season was about to take a more sombre turn; how on earth was she supposed to break her second family apart in a way no one could ever have predicted?

A few hours later, once everyone had arrived and settled, the dreaded clearing of Jason Gilkison's throat roused the young couple from their peaceful abyss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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