Chapter 1

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Polnareff was sitting on his couch in his lonely, quiet living room one peaceful evening, watching his favourite tv show. Whenever the commercials played, he would get up to either get some food or just to stretch. Once his show was over, he grabbed the remote, switching between channels to find something that caught his attention, to no avail.

"Why is there nothing interesting on," Polnareff groaned, leaning back into the couch and slamming the remote down on the arm of the piece of furniture.

After sitting in the uncomfortable position for about 2 minutes, the silver haired man decided to find something to do. Maybe go for a short walk around the neighbourhood?

Wee little time skip

Polnareff came back from his walk both upset and tired. He had met some cute girls and did his usual flirting, only to be rejected in a sort of harsh way.


Polnareff was minding his own business, walking through the park near his house. He was admiring everything, from the trees, bushes/shrubs, flowers and even the grass.

He let his mind wander until two girls caught his eye. They looked young, but they were dressed fancy and had makeup on.

Polnareff, being Polnareff, took his chance.

"Hey there~" he had cooed to the two women, gaining their attention.

"Hello," one of them replied smiling, while the other remained silent. The girl who spoke had long brown hair and eyes that were the color of the sky.
The other was a blondie with emerald green eyes.

"How was your day? You both seem happy," Polnareff continued in a flirtatious tone.

The brunette tapped her chin and thought for a while, eventually replying with, "Well, we just graduated, and are heading somewhere to celebrate with the rest of our former class."

"Perhaps I can take you somewhere better~" he winked at them 'the worst they could say is no...'

The brunette chuckled, saying, "Actually, I'm not very interested and I am probably way younger than you, so is my girlfriend."

The blonde girl giggled a bit and walked away, the other following close behind, leaving Polnareff to try to process what had just happened. 

Present time

Plopping down on the couch with a sigh, Polnareff blankly stared at the tv screen in front of him. Will he be single forever? Seems like it. 

The silver haired man sunk down in defeat, groaning with frustration. All he wanted was someone to love. Someone he would always protect and cherish, someone who would do the same for him. 

Brushing all the thoughts away, Polnareff felt the urge to use the bathroom. Hesitantly, the french man stood up and made his way to the very clean room. With a slight smile, Polnareff pushed the wooden door open to see his beautiful toilet.

"Well well, look who it is~" he cooed, kneeling in front of the shiny, white toilet. "My precious toilet!"

Polnareff spent a lot of time making sure this object was clean all the time. He would hate to see it all musty and full of mold. Just thinking of it made a shiver crawl up his spine. Resting an arm on the household good, the silver haired male hummed in satisfaction as he realised it was as clean as a whistle and he wouldn't have to spend the last few hours of the day scrubbing a stubborn spot or getting rid of some nasty odor.  

Clean and beautiful - Polnareff x ToiletWhere stories live. Discover now