The Day of the Apocalypse (Part 1)

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                     - - - H a r r y - - - 

Your mom kissed your cheek and you groaned, rolling your eyes. "Really, mom? I'm like nine-teen now." You said, walking towards the door with your backpack slung over your shoulder. Your mother laughed and said; "I know, honey. It's just sad to see my baby (girl/boy/other) all grown up." You rolled your eyes while smiling, opening the door and walking out.

                       . . .

You walked to the school with your best friend, Jessica, and exchanged laughs here and there. But the thing was, both of your laughter was the only sounds you both heard. You took notice and stopped walking, her walking ahead of you. She stopped and turned to look at you and asked; "What?" She had a confused and concerned look on her face. "It's.. really quiet. Did you notice?" You asked, looking around warily. Her expression turned serious. "Now that you mentioned it, it is." You continued walking and she started to walk beside you once again, looking wary. Once you reached your classroom, you were hesitant to open it. "We're on time.. Right?" You asked. She checked her watch, and said; "Yep. School should be starting by now." You finally put your hand on the handle and opened it, stepping back and looking horrified. "W-what the hell happened here?!" Jessica exclaimed, showing a look of fear.

Inside the classroom lie your classmates' bodies, all mingled and bloodied. Blood on the walls and everywhere, and pieces of rotten flesh scattered around the room. You pinched your nose and gagged at the stench, taking another step backwards. You suddenly heard a groan behind you, and you both slowly turned around. What you saw chilled you to the bone.  ..It was a zombie. It was missing half of its' head, its' clothes were torn and bloody, and it was missing half of its' right arm. You both screamed and ran, nearing the gate. You both made it out and ran a different direction, and you suddenly remembered about your mom and dad. "Jessica, you go. I'm gonna check if my parents are alright." You started to run towards the direction of your house but she stopped you, grabbing a hold of your arm. "(Y/n), It's too dangerous! Do you realize how risky that is!? There could be more of them!" She yelled, turning you to face her. Tears ran down your cheeks from the possibility of finding your parents dead. "But-" "No buts, (Y/n)! Let's just hope that they're okay." You let out a shaky sigh and wiped your tears, and ever-so-slightly nodded your head.

               - - - E t h a n - - - 

You drove down the road in the heavy rain, the windshield wipers swishing left and right. You moved one hand off the steering wheel and wiped a tear, sniffling.


"Why don't you listen!? Are you really that dumb!?" Your (boyfriend/girlfriend) yelled at you, taking a step towards you. When you were visiting your (boyfriend/girlfriend), you apparently did something you shouldn't have and they slapped you, leaving a big red hand print on the side of your face. "Why do you treat me like this?! I'm the one who always has to take care of this damn house because you won't get your lazy ass off the couch!" You yelled back, tears welling up in your eyes. They slapped you again, but harder. "That's it. We're through!" You then went into your guys' now old room and put most of your stuff in a duffel bag, grabbed your keys and backpack and walked into the living room and towards the door, opening it and slamming it behind you.

End of Flashback

You wiped another wave of tears. Your face met confusion when you saw a horde of people limping towards your car. You looked closer and it turned out that they weren't people- well- not anymore- and panicked, turning your car around and speeding the other direction. You looked behind you and saw more of them coming towards your vehicle. Yoy turned back around and your eyes widened, seeing a tree in front of you. ...It was too late, and you passed out.

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