He's the one (short story)

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"Uggh! You've been in there for like an hour now!" Ella shouted, banging on the bathroom door.

"Girls." Charlie murmured.

I opened the bathroom door, I was wearing a simple floral dress paired with black flat shoes, its just a date anyway. I saw both of my best friend standing in front of me. Ella who's wearing a simple white dress, still annoyed, and Charlie who's wearing something casual.

"All done!" I said as i make my way out of the bathroom and grab my purse. "Lets go, guys." I threw the keys at Ella, I just walked straight to the car, waiting for them.

As we all got in the car, Ella starts the engine, then drove off. While we were on our way, I can't stop thinking, why I always end up hurting guys in the end after the date, its just weird. They were all perfect, but I keep looking for something, a feeling, I don't know. I keep on looking at Charlie at the back seat, through the mirror. He looks bothered.

"Hey, dude. Are you okay? is there something bothering you?" I asked, frowning.

He looked at me, then sigh. "Do you really have to do this? I mean, you've been in through a lot of date, and still, you haven't found the right guy. The right guy will come at the right place at the right time. Stop hurting yourself." He said as he points out each and every word. But, he's right. I guess i should stop.

I nod then smiled at him. "okay, this is going to be the last date. I swear." I turned to face him as I reach out to him, offering a Pinky Promise.

"okay! We're here!" Ella stopped the engine then made her way out of the car. I was just looking at Charlie, waiting for a respond, he just looked at my hand then he said "No. Save the last one for someone special." what he did next surprised me.

But before i could even react, He was already out if the car. Walking towards this beautiful restaurant. Moments later I finally had the courage to stepp out of the car and made my way in the restaurant.

Chase was waiting for me at the entrance. "Hey. You look beautiful." He greeted me with a smile.

"Hey. You look handsome." I greeted him back with a sweet smile, he guided me to our table out side the restaurant, the place was beautiful, there was a garden and lights everywhere. I looked up at the sky, you could see the starts from here too.

We sat down, ordered the Chef's Choice. And i have to admit, I'm having a wonderful time with Chase, but something is missing. I remembered that time, in the car, with Charlie. Why would he do such a thing? Though.. That feeling.. At that moment.. Was different. I can't help but glance around looking for him and Ella. There they are, inside, Ella is with her boyfriend, but they're all sitting on the same table.

As our gaze met, I immediately avoid contact. I can't look at him. But why? My heart was beating so fast. Hours have pass and the evening is almost over. We made our way to the parking lot, saying our 'goodbyes'.

I gave Chase a peck on the cheek. "I had a great time, Chase. Though, I want you to know that, I'm not yet sure, okay? Please don't get your hopes up, I don't want to hurt an amazing person like you."

He gave me a faint smile. "I know, Clare. I hope you find the right one." and with that we went on separate ways.

On our way home, I was avoiding Charlie all this time. As I got home, I jumped on my bed and felt guilty for avoiding him.

I looked at my phone. "should I call him?" I was scrolling through my contacts, when, suddenly, my phone rang. Its him. Charlie, is calling me.

He must be worried, I immediately picked it up. "Hey." I tried not to sound distant. But I guess I failed.

"Clare.. I'm sorry, if that thing I did earlier pissed you.. I'm really sorry.. Please, stop avoiding me.." His voice was shaking, is he crying?

My heart clench. "Charlie? Are you okay? What happened earlier.. I know you didn't mean it, its okay, don't worry." I said in the most calm way as possible, hearing him being like this pains me.

His voice suddenly changed. "Can we meet up? I mean now. At the park, where we always hang out when we were kids." He said as he hang up.

I grabbed my purse, and made my way out of the house. I ran to the park as fast as I could. I don't want this to bother him. I need to stop worrying him. As i got to the playground, I saw him sitting at one of the swings, just staring at the beautiful night sky.

I sat beside him and start swinging. "Charlie? Please stop worrying.." I was just staring down on my hands. I'm not sure why I feel nervous all of a sudden.

He grabbed my hand, making me jump, I looked at him. He was staring right through me, its almost like he could read what I'm thinking right now. I never noticed that his eyes was as beautiful as the moon. Its almost like I'm being sucked in.

"That kiss. Clare, I meant it. I gathered all the courage I have just so I could do that. Then you started avoiding me, it scared me.. I'm really sorry. But for so long, I've always love you.. Seeing you go on from guy to guy, it really pissed me off.. It hurts because, never once you looked at me like you look at them. I was jealous. I was scared that anytime I could lose you.. You're everything I've got.. That last date, I told you.. Give me a chance. Will you go out with me?" He was serious. I never knew this side of him. My heart was pounding faster. This feeling. What is this?

I looked down on our hands. "Charlie, I don't know exactly what I'm feeling right now. But I think this is not a bad feeling, I think this is a good feeling. You won't lose me.. I will go out with you." I said with a smile. I don't know this feeling, but I'm sure, that with him by my side, I'll now what this is.

"I love you, Clare."

And with that, I knew that, He's the one.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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