The New Definition of Love

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Transcript: The New Definition of Love in the Late 21st and 22nd Centuries | Spoken by Astrid Amata at the University of Denver, February 14, 2098

Throughout the previous centuries, love has taken on many definitions. In Heian Japan, true love meant only tragedy. Marriage was politics and reproduction, while lovers constituted a passionate love ultimately slated for a bad ending.

In many societies throughout history, marriages and love were arranged for political or social gain. Occasionally, this resulted in long-lasting love and partnerships. In others, it led to abuse and loathing. And, in the majority, it required indifference and tolerance.

Monogamy became the favored form of love. Marriages were an expected right of passage and became large events, not just necessary ones. Although, polygamy and polyamory were still commonplace in most societies and small culture and religious subsets of peoples practiced these forms of love.

Love between two people of the same gender identity always existed and was recognized in stories and literature from ancient times such as Nisus and Euryalus. Marriages between men and those between women surely happened throughout history, but the first widespread legal right for people of the same sex and gender identity to marry came within the early 21st century.

This was hardly an innovation of love, but rather a recognition of love that always existed. Yet, for as long as humans have lived, we have failed to recognize another important aspect of love that is key to the way that the 22nd century will define love.

Soulmates, like the other aspects of love I have seen throughout literature and history. Real and fictional couples have been said to be soulmates, and mythology has even immortalized some in the stars.

Despite all these stories, soulmates were considered to be a myth themselves, or if real, they were extremely rare. It is true that everyone has many people that could make them happy and who they could have long happy marriages with. However, as psychologists, biologists, and doctors began to work together to study this fickle emotion. They realized that love is far from an emotion of chemical signals in your body.

Like a computer, love is hardwired into our DNA. Our DNA is like puzzle pieces. Every person's DNA has a unique makeup and out there somewhere in the world is a person whose DNA fits perfectly with yours. Of course, there are plenty of others that you could jam into place, or shave down a little and find a comfortable fit, but there's only one person who's DNA will perfectly match yours.

Prior to our advancements in technology, it is estimated that of married couples less than 5% were true soulmates. This led to a 50% divorce rate, abusive relationships, and broken families.

Nobody goes into a marriage expecting to get a divorce. But, what if you could positively guarantee that the person you marry you will never divorce or fall out of love with? Sounds good, huh?

That is the concept behind the Eternal Romance Only Search software or E.R.O.S. that I developed. Working with professionals from nearly every industry, the E.R.O.S. database takes your DNA into account, but also your personal preferences.

For example, identical twins have identical DNA, but will not have the same soulmate because DNA can express itself in different ways. This requires taking other factors of your anatomy, personality, and preferences into account.

When you submit your DNA and personal profile to E.R.O.S., it may not find your soulmate immediately. Since people can submit at any point, your soulmate may simply not have registered yet. There are also rare instances that we have come across where a person may not have a soulmate. This phenomenon happens in under 5% of people. Most of the time, this happens after the passing of your soulmate, or if your soulmate has chosen not to pursue you.

Unfortunately, with E.R.O.S. we have no way of accounting for this. Although, we do provide DNA matches of lower percentages in the case of two people without soulmates having significant compatibility.

The second type of soulmate anomaly is even rarer. It occurs when someone's DNA matches everyone in the system. It's an adaptable type that can morph itself to fit any other structure. In fact, only one person on the planet is known to exhibit it. And you're looking at her.

It may seem unbelievable that the creator of this software would conveniently match with everyone placed into it. I actually re-wrote the entire program when it first happened. But just like our DNA pre-determines who our ideal soulmate would be, I think destiny pushed me toward this the creation of E.R.O.S. I was just a software developer who liked to dabble in applied science.

Since E.R.O.S. focuses heavily on science, many worry about an emotional connection with their soulmate. Sure, our DNA goes together, but what about our personalities? This is why we ask for a comprehensive profile. Our system also takes biological factors such as compatible pheromones and the biological components that determine attraction.

The main goal of E.R.O.S. is to cut down on the number of divorces, instances of domestic violence, and create better families for the children of the world. This will ultimately lead to better, happier relationships and healthier children. E.R.O.S. promotes a better future and takes the stress out of dating. Simply provide your DNA and profile and wait for your match.

E.R.O.S. caters to individuals of every age, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic background, and ethnicity because we believe that everyone has someone out there. And, with every person who submits to our database, we are able to refine the matches we provide for the most precise matches based on every genetic expression and marker.

So far, over sixty percent of college-age adults have submitted to E.R.O.S. and nearly half of them have found their matches. We went global in the past six months and have matched our first few couples from across oceans. E.R.O.S. has unlimited potential and I believe that E.R.O.S. can change the world.

Join me on the quest to find everyone's true love. Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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