Chapter 8

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Friday, Aoyama's POV {He's my fav, so I kinda had to}

Midoriya has been very sleepy recently. I know that he gets at least some sleep at night. Whenever I come around at night, he seems to be in bed. I would probably stay for more than a minute, but this much beauty needs a full nine hours of sleep. Très malheureux. {Very unfortunate} I hope he's alright. Maybe I should surprise him with some fromage! {cheese} Or a baguette? Actually, he hasn't told the class that I spy on him in his sleep, so maybe he trusts me. I should ask him what's going on after class.

~~~Saut de temps~~~ {Time skip}

"Bonjour Midoriya!" I said, walking over to his desk.
"Hey, Aoyama..." He was only half awake.
"Random question, do you trust me?" After I said that, I had an immediate flashback to Alladin.
"To be honest, I'd trust almost anyone," Midoriya said in a monotone voice, maybe he's taking after Professeur Aizawa? {Teacher/Professor}

"Do you trust me more than everyone else?"
"About the same level as Iida, Uraraka, and Todoroki..." He was about to fall asleep.
"Is that the highest level? Or no."
"Second." He said, but he normally doesn't use one-word answers. Très... étrange. {Very... strange}
"Last question, what is keeping you awake at night?"
"I-it's the..." He said, dozing off. The what?! What is it?! It could be the league, the heroes, the neighbors? It could be anything. But more importantly, how do I get him to the dorms?

A true villain  (Villain Deku, Iida, and Aoyama)Where stories live. Discover now