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With Rose’s blessings Harry was free to stay with us, with me in our apartment for the following two weeks and I couldn’t be happier all the clouds of that stupid phone call removed from the atmosphere. 

Before leaving, Rose gave Harry her apartment key, changed her bed sheets, left a couple of fresh towels at the edge of her bed and made room for Harry’s stuff in her closet. I really appreciated the effort she was making to make him feel at home being my boyfriend and all, although I could tell there was a bit of disappointment in Harry’s eyes when he realised he wasn’t staying in my room. It was too much, too soon and according to Rose everyone should have a place to crash when I quote: “small storms come in”.

“Is that all, Rose? Do you have anything else upstairs” I asked closing the door of the car boot after having helped Rose load the car.

“Yeah…I’m just going for a week or so; I’m not going forever, don’t worry. Have fun Valerie…” she said and took me by the shoulders looking straight into my eyes.

“I know Harry is too much to handle but he needs some support, too, with what is coming his way” she added and she was right.

“I know” I replied sighing.

We had only a few weeks, days before he had to take up the role of a father, being responsible for another human being, leaving his old life behind all too soon. Rose was right. I had to relax and enjoy this while we were both carefree without any worries since we didn’t really know or had we discussed the details of his situation. It would be better if I just loosened up and cherished this time we had together.

Pressing the button of the lift to our floor, I had butterflies in my stomach as the anticipation to be with Harry was unbelievably overwhelming. Entering the apartment the black bag was out of sight and I could hear some noise coming from Rose’s room. Approaching I saw Harry moving around in Rose’s room tidying his stuff in the closet when he noticed me at the door giving me the sweetest smile.

“Come here…” he said opening his arms welcoming me in a warm embrace and I did just that, my head resting on his chest breathing in his irresistible smell, a blend of Egoiste channel cologne that I came to recognize from my short experience at a Beautyline shop and the smell of Harry, whatever that smell might be, surely an intoxicating one.

“Are you sure you want me here?” he asked again with a touch of worry in his tone.

“Positive” I reassured him.

“So, what now? What do you want to do?” he asked as he pulled a bit back so that he could see my face.

“I don’t have work today, so we don’t have to worry about the time at all” I said happily knowing that I didn’t have to wear any make up, uncomfortable clothes or high heels for that matter.

“That’s great! So, any ideas?”

“Why don’t we go get some coffee and something to eat, I’m starving” I said truthfully, feeling my stomach protesting.

“I know just the place for that” Harry said and he let me out of his embrace much to my displeasure.

“Are you ready?” he added.

“Give me five minutes”

I changed in jeans, converse, a grey long sleeved T-shirt and grabbed my bag and jacket while Harry was waiting for me patiently in the living room checking the photos and the books Rose and I shared.

Looking at me, his eyes beamed and the smile I was so accustomed to by now returned to that handsome face that haunted my dreams daily since I met him at the club with Leo.

The state that I'm in. (BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now