Chappie 1

11 1 0

"This isn't normal."

"No, not at all."

"So.. What now?"

"We get ready to run."

7 years ago.

I don't know where I am going, but today is one of my closest friend's birthday. He is turning 11 today and yet again he had to brag to me that "he's older than me", I am the youngest of our group. So anyway, due to me being dared to go into the old abandoned house on 42nd Street, I am frightened out of my skull. He is right behind me, trying to push me up the creaky stairs.

"Just go, stop being a chicken!" He said with one last push. I fell onto the third step and my knee fell through it, causing it to start bleeding much more than neccesary. By now I am one step from the front door. All the dark, faded green wood is splintering from the walls in bursts. One of the windows is broken in, completely shattered across the ground. The curtains are slightly blowing in the August air. I look to my left and right and see nothing but a huge tree looming over the entire house with a broken tire swing on it. I glance behind me and see my two friends since birth basically, both of whom are shooing me towards the house.

Here goes nothing. I reach for the door handle, and the door opens on its own. I let out a slight shiver and walk straight in. All I have to do is stay in for a few minutes. The house has a staircase to my left leading into total darkness, with this in mind, my feet carry me forward. The decent sized room has yellowing, old furniture around the room. The wallpaper falling off the walls to make space for the wood to splinter like outside. It is dimly lit from the somehow surviving chandelier hanging over the dining room "table" and "chairs?" both of which are covered in layers of dust.

But the chandelier is peculiar. It looks like it is from many decades ago, but somehow is the only thing without dust on it. With only 2 flickering bulbs on either side of it. I step closer to it, and reach towards it. My fingers lightly touch it and I spin it around to face the opposite direction it was in before. Suddenly, it is all a blur and I hear my friends calling my name and many bangs around me. I am being spun viciously around and I realize I am seated in a chair and get spun faster, faster, until I can't breathe and gasp for air. And abruptly it all just stops.

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