The contribution of digital resources to classes

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Nowadays everyone knows that technology is part of the lives of many people around the world. It helps us in many things: to keep in touch with people, to work, to have fun, etc. But here I'll talk about how it can help us in our studies, because in these days that we're living it can contribute a lot to our lives. 

I'm going to tell you some experiences I've been having in relation to this. In the middle of March this year I received the news that my university classes were going to stop for a while. At the same time I was saddened by that because I had started the second degree of my course earlier that month. But soon I understood that social isolation is absolutely necessary to prevent the spread of Covid-19. 

After that my university started to make remote education available in July. I wanted to go back to taking classes (online) and continuing my studies. I had already decided that if remote teaching were made available I would adhere to it. So, it began. At first it was difficult and confusing to me. I didn't know how that was going to be, adaptations are not usually easy. And I know it was that way also to teachers, many of them said they had never taught students online before. 

Although I've said that I prefer teaching in person I'm glad there're digital resources so we can use them as study tools. There's a huge wealth of information on the Internet and I think we often don't stop to reflect about that. How much we can learn through the Internet! It's almost as many say: "We have the world in the palms of our hands having access to Internet". So, let's avail that!

During this time studying English Language 2 through remote teaching of my university, I've discovered good websites to study English. There're some that offer texts in English and their respectives audios to practice listening too, which are about interesting and current topics. Others offer online activities to test vocabulary, knowledge about grammar, to pratice reading, etc. Teachers can use that websites as tools for their own classes or to get inspired by their ideias for activities, topics, ways of teaching...

However I was looking for a platform to study that I could present to my teacher and my colleagues of English Language 2. It was nice to me because I could see how many possiblities I have and how these ideias of activities can open our mind to teach. I'm saying that because I hope I'll be a teacher in the near future and it makes me think: "How will I have enough ideas to prepare my classes?" So, digital resources can help me. BUT I really want to be creative by myself and really put my head to work doing great classes. I don't want just to be inspired by others. I want to create and also to inspire others. I believe I'll be able to that.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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