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I'm a broken man
I have broken dreams
I love in a broken home
We are broke as hell
My sister broke her leg
Little brother broke our car windows
I broke my lady's heart
My parents broke their marriage

I am sad and depressed
Oppressed by the voices in my head
I don't know where I am heading
My life is a perfect mess
Decorated by an infinity loop of misfortune

My life is like a perfectly written poem
Only that my depression is the assonance
My anxiety is the consonance
Insecurities my alliteration
And these endless problems are the rhyme scheme

I'm a broken man
I live in a broken world
I Chase broken promises
From whores too broke to be mistresses
My mattress soaks in tears of a thousand nights
Lights mean nothing to me
Rights? Do I have those?
An overdose maybe
This baby I never knew I had is screaming too loud
I want to shut it all out

Be gone demons!
I summon thee in the name of Jesus and cast thee out!
Maybe some chants will get them out
Or fasting... I should fast
Yes! Till I drop.
Maybe then I'll just be a man in a box in the ground
But I'll still be a broken soul

I am a broken man
I have broken hopes
I can not get a job
I sold my Bible yesterday, I needed food
My room has cracks on the walls
I have a mirror on the wall
It's the only perfect thing in my life
Maybe if I broke if I would be free!
These pieces can never be put back together
I cherish these broken thoughts
I never want to forget what happened
They did me wrong
I have to make them pay

I am a broken man
With a broken mind
I am hopeless but I still hope
I will get better soon
And someday I will brag to the heavens
I am in pieces

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