In The Beginning

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The night air of the dark-cycle sits heavy on his shifting shoulders. Plating ripples, energy dancing like a swarm of wisps as molecular shards sway to and fro. They swirl and settle, then repeat. This endless dance is what makes up the unique protoform and armour of Mutacons and Shifters alike.

On the wasteland of rust pools and flat terrain, a young mech by the name of Cyberking sat staring at the stars. His glistening armour, black in colour, shifted in and out of place as he protected his mate. It's strong surface changes texture ever so often, sometimes rough like Junkion metal, sometimes soft like organic flesh. His red bio lights glow brightly as he lays with a giant wing lovingly stretched over his mate.

She is the one thing he cares most about and he dare not think of ever leaving her side.

His mate, named Silent Shadow, had been the first of similar immortality level to ever gain his interest. She now lay beside him in her second-favourite form, breathing heavily.

He couldn't bring himself to accept the fact that she had nearly died.

They had flown high into the sky per her request. Out of the planet's atmosphere. Now, he didn't know what would happen. Would it happen again?

After the events on earth, his tainted and short childhood, he cannot fathom a repeat.

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