1. Captivating Love

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Capitivting Love
You say "you're gorgeous"
and that i "capture your attention"
Is it the way I look?
Or the way I speak?
How does my presence capture you?
You say that I'm an angel sent from above.
Well you're a blessing for me too.
You're the one whose caught my attention.
Im like a fein
And you're my personal dealer
I'm addicted to you
Stepping into a new world
You tell me things I've never heard
Things that expose your true feelings
Im not really a pessimist
But I cant say that
my thoughts are optimistic either.
You changed my perspective on love
So cliche but I'm on cloud 9
Soaring in the sky
I'm high off your love
Your love is my drug.
- Cryptic


Thank you for reading :))💕

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