The Truth Untold

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*Disclaimer: The story is based on the lyrics of the song The Truth Untold by BTS. I only own the editting and the personal details I added to the story*

We all know the song, but do you know about the story behind it?

I was locked in my tower for years. Many years. I wasn't the victim prince that was locked in a tower by his parents or something. No. I locked myself.

It all started when I was still the firstborn child of the king, the crown prince. I was excited to be the one who will take over my father's place. I knew that I would become a great king. I wanted to be the kindest king, the most generous, the friendlier.

But this wasn't meant to be.

When I was 21, as I was heading to the city's center with my carriage and cohort, we caught in an ambush.

Everyone panicked, they rushed to protect my carriage,but, despite the meaningless efforts of my soldiers and guardians, the were just too many to be beated.

They kidnapped me, but they didn't want my life, or else the would have killed me in the first place. Instead, they kept me locked in a small room and tortured me. That was all they wanted. To torture me and get paid of course.

They asked money from my father. A very big amount of money. He gave it to them and they let me free.

I was free after one week of torture.

But I didn't feel happy at all.

I wasn't the same anymore.

My body was very skinnier than before. My muscles have weakened. My skin was destroyed from the endless lushing and marked with painful scars all over my body, even at my at some other time beautiful porcelain face.

I felt ashamed of myself. I didn't want to go back home. I knew that nothing would be the same again.

So I travelled away from my kingdom and hid in this abandoned tower. The only thing that makes me less sad - not happy, just less sad - and lonely are my pretty rare blue flowers that bloom at my garden. They are the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. I love them so much, because their beauty sometimes help me forget my own ugliness.

So, here I am, four years later, still in this tower all by myself.

And... Of course, every time I visit the nearest village for my supplies, such as food, I hide my repulsive face behind a mask and I avoid communicating with many people. I can't trust anyone.

Because I am an ugly monster.


I was sitting at my window, my favourite window, from where I can see the sunset everyday.

As I was waiting for the sunset, I was reading the  Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare. I loved the way Shakespeare writes and expresses his thoughts in the novel, but I don't believe that someone could even die for love. This is just too much.

I closed the book and placed it back on its self. The sunset hasn't come yet and I lowered my eyes to admire my flowers.

But... What is this? I swear I saw something moving around my garden. Nah... My eyes are fooling me. This tower is much too far from the village.

The Truth Untold ~ PS: I still want you...|| Park Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now