Part 1

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Aidan holds your hand as you cross the busy city street. "My goodness, it's so crowded today." You remark, looking around at all the cars crossing the street.
"Guess we picked a bad day to spend in the city." Aidan says, smiling. He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you to his side. You smile up at him. "It's not that bad. At least I'm spending time with you." You say.
He kisses your forehead. "Same here, Y/N." He returns.
You walk past a Starbucks and stop. "Hey, want to get a frappuccino?" You ask, staring at the packed coffee place. "Sure. What do you want?" Aidan asks.
"Uhh, a tall vanilla bean." You answer. You reach into your purse and pull out a ten dollar bill. "Here, my treat." You say handing it to him.
Aidan gently pushes your hand back. "No, Y/N, I got this. Don't worry about it. You stay outside while I run in there. It looks like it's about to burst with people." He says, heading into Starbucks.
You sigh and shake your head, slipping the money back into your purse. You watch as Aidan disappears into Starbucks, then turn to face the street, watching the cars.
"Help! Someone help me!" A man shouts from an alleyway. You look around and run to the alley.
You see a lone man, curled up in a ball on the ground. "Sir?" You ask, slowly walking towards him. "Are you all right?" You ask.
He slowly unwinds and stands. His massive body tall and insanely lean.
You stare at him and take a step back.
He struts towards you, your nerves suddenly on end. He stops in front of you, towering over you. "What'd you got in the purse?" He asks, his horrible breath making you gag. He grips your arm tightly making you gasp. "I said, what do you got in the bag, lady?" He grits out, his angry eyes boring into yours.
You open your mouth to say something, but no words come out. "I-I-I-..." You stammer. You blink and tear away from him, preparing to run.
The man grabs your purse and yanks backwards, dragging you back and making you fall to the ground.
You skin your knees and the palms of your hands, stones kicking up at your face. You still are holding on to the purse. "I saw you give some money to a man. I know you have some." He hisses, trying to rip the purse off your arm. "N-no." You say, teeth clenched.
The man kicks you in the rip, making you release the purse and cry out, gasping. He quickly goes through it, finding on the ten dollar bill you were going to give to Aidan. He scoffs and waves the ten in the air. "Is this it? Hardly worth it. Let's get some other stuff out of this." He asks, staring at you. You scamper back and stand, eyes wide with fear.
The man pulls his arm back to hit you and you block your arms in front of your face and squeeze your eyes shut.
The hit never comes and you slowly open your eyes.
Aidan tightly grips the man's wrist. "Didn't anyone ever tell you it's not nice to hit women?" He asks, pulling the man arm backwards.
The man cries out and tries to shake Aidan off. The man starts stringing out curse words at you, his eyes flashing with anger.
Aidan slams the guy against a building, his arm against the man's throat, pinning him down. "Don't you dare talk to my girlfriend like that." Aidan hisses angrily.
The man struggles and looks for a way to escape. You call 911 as Aidan holds him down. "You're filth, you know that?" He says, shaking his head.
Once you finish the call, you stare at the man. He suddenly rips Aidan off of him and lunges for you. You let out a scream and jump away. The man grabs your legs and yanks you to the ground.
Aidan tackles the man and quickly kneels on top of him. "You really don't learn, do you? No one touches my girl. No one." He states, firmly.
You put a hand to your racing heart and hear the sirens in the distance.
~~~~~~~You wrap your arms tightly around Aidan, after the man is into a squad car and all the interviews are over. "I cannot thank you enough for what you did today." You say, your voice muffled by his shirt.
He rubs your back and lays his head on yours. "It was nothing, Y/N. I did it out of my love for you. I need to keep you safe and sound." Aidan says.
You smile. "Getting a little protective, eh?" You ask chuckling.
He laughs softly. "Hmm, maybe just a little." He answers, holding you tightly.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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