~Chapter 1~

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Before Lena could even blink, she gets out yet again, her chest plate making a ringing sound as it's colour fades completely. She stomps her foot down, "Again!?"

From the other end of the room Dewey laughs, ducking behind the wall next to him and smiling at Webby. She smiles back, "nice shot!"
'He's such a show off,' her mind ponders, 'It's not necessarily a bad thing though.'
Dewey peeks into the hole through the wall trying to spot any players nearby, "Coast is clear," he whispers, crawling across the field to the glowing wall across the room from them, signalling webby to follow him with a hand gesture. Surely enough, she does, summer saulting over to him and holding her gun close to her chest. "Should we move spots? We've been here for a while and we might not be getting enough action as we are able to!" Webby whispers, excitement in her tone.

"I was thinking we should do an ambush... But there's too many players. We'll be out in no time," he whispers back, peeking out from the wall they're hidden behind before turning back to webby." Webby frowns, scratching her head. "But the games almost over... we need to get a lot of kills by the end so we can win!"
Dewey smiles, nodding, "alright, alright!" He hesitantly steps out from his hiding area, before quickly stepping back in. "Is someone there!?" Webby asks quietly, slowly backing away from Dewey.
"No!" He says back, giving webby a nervous smile, "maybe I should stay here. I mean, I know you're pro at dodging attacks and-"
Webby cuts him off as she pulls him up roughly by the arm and practically drags him out from behind the wall, preparing her gun and holding it up to her face. When she notices no one's there, she screams, "let's go!"
"Alright!" Dewey stands up, a smile of determination on his face, "but we gotta keep the noise down so no one sees us coming-"
Before he knew it, webby was charging blindly towards where majority of the players are, yelling, "rrrraaggghhhhh!" Dewey facepalms and quickly runs after her, joining in with her obnoxious yelling.

Violet hears their yelling and yells at Lena to alarm her they are coming. "Quickly! Re charge your life and let's get them from a safe area"
Lena quickly changes from walking like a zombie to running towards their base. She reaches it and quickly stands on the recharging point, her chest plate lights up with red again and she hurriedly runs back to violet. "Where should we attack from?" Lena asks, panting.
"Over here."

"RAGGGHHH!!! THIS IS AN AMBUSHHH!" Webby yells as she begins to slow down, confused as to why there aren't any players in sight, "keep an eye out..." She says in a hushed tone to Dewey, while both of them go back to back and glance around the dark area, squinting.

"Aha!" Webby exclaims, pointing her gun towards huey, who had just been pushed out from the corner by louie, who yelled, "defend the area!" Lining the lens up with her eyesight, webby pulls the trigger. Huey scoffs, his alarm sounding and his chest plate lights fading. He walks back into the corner. "Really Louie? That was your plan?"
Louie smiles slyly and stands up, dusting himself off. "Alright! It was a pretty terrible plan. Go recharge yourself before they find our location."

Webby points to the corner which huey walked back to, silently signalling Dewey to go over there with a grin, whispering, "be careful."
Dewey gives her a dorky thumbs up before tip toeing towards the corner.
Webby turns her head around like an owl, scanning the area for other players peeking out from anywhere. 'This would be way easier if I had my night vision goggles' she thinks to herself, refusing to let her guard down.

"Aiiimmm" violet whispers, crouched down next to Lena, who has her gun directed at webby, "aiiimm..." She whispers again. Lena scoffs.
"I can't concentrate on the target if you're gonna keep distracting me." Violet shuts up, crossing her arms and whispering, "you better be quick before webbigail spots you." Lena lines the gun back up, taking a deep breath, whispering, "I know... It's just hard with Webby moving so much!"

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