Chapter 1|| The Missing girl

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Moving in the middle of the school year isnt fun. Let me tell you how I, the new girl, became the most popular and most loved student in the entire school with only two months left of school.

Alarm goes off

As I turn off my alarm, I notice that it is deathly quiet inside my house. Being silent isnt average for my household. I check the time and date the alarm clock flashes 11:43 AM, Saturday, March 5th. I yell out to my family as I walk throughout my large home. It echoes.





"Where are you guys?!" I said nervously.

I notice everything is missing the couch, TV, house phone, and even the dog bed. The entire house was empty except for my bedroom.

"We just moved in 10 days ago! Our things should be here," I said, confused.

"Mary-Grace Smith," a voice started.

Oddly I didnt recognize the voice. I heard it before, but never this close. I decided to go back to my room. When I turned around, there was a void. I kept walking, though. Lets just say I found my way outside instead.

"There has to be a way out of here!"

"I cant stay in this this endless tunnel forever," I said.

1 hour later

I see a familiar bright light at the end of the hallway. As I got closer and closer, I realized that it was the outside!

"Finally, outside!"

"Why is this a ghost town?" I said, out of breath.

A sheet of paper hits me as I scan the broken-down town. I read it aloud:

Missing Girl

Age 17


Name: Mary-Grace Smith

Went missing March 4, 1970

I started to freak out because I had no recollection of even being taken.

"Ok, Mary-Grace, we need to find a payphone," I said nervously.

I started to find a payphone and some money. The first thing I need to do is call mom and dad.

As I walk down the deathly quiet street, I realize that there isnt any money around. In this town, payphones were everywhere, so they werent hard to find. Panicking, I pick a random store to take some cash.

Rochelle's Boutique

"Nobody is around, they wont mind if I take something," I said softly.

"Watch your back, Mary-Grace," the voice said.

I spun around to see who said that, but not a soul was in sight. I was starting to get nervous. This voice is coming more and more. Before I moved, I would hear it once a year, not several times in one day.

"She's waking up, hurry!" the voice said.

For some reason, my brain was replaying memories. As I'm looking around, I hear my name many times. The amount of whispering is getting to me. I don't see anyone, but I understand everything.

"Did you hear about Mary-Grace?" another voice said.

"Yeah, what a shame. Mary-Graces family must be devastated!" a voice replied.

At this point, I started hearing conversations. Somehow, these voices were talking about me. Familiar voices and ones Ive never heard before. Looking around this boutique, I saw much up-to-date clothing, but one thing stood out. Something that doesnt exist in todays world. I know that it is the early 1970s, but I cant help but wonder if its from the future.

"What is this?" I said while grabbing for it.

When I touched this thing, I saw something. It was from the past kids were running around playing. Adults were talking, laughing, and gossiping as usual. One thing was off about this so-called flashback. I wasnt in the boutique when a robbery happened.

"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" the man in the red shirt said.

"If any of you move, or we will shoot!" the tall woman said.

I notice that everyone is scared. The people, old and young, dont know what to do. Except for one brave teenage girl. It was my mother; We looked almost identical except for our hair color and birthmark. I can see that the man in the red shirt and the tall woman was thinking of doing something with her.

In a quiet voice, the woman says ",How about her, sir?"

"She's perfect," he replied. "We will have to come back as not to raise suspicion."

As the flashback ends, I feel as if I'm not alone. As if something or someone came back with me. As I get this strange feeling, I decide to brush it off. At this point, I was tired of being in this store. While leaving, I hear this voice.

"Is anyone there?" a forced deep voice said.

Woah! Am I not alone? I thought.

"Hello?!" He said again.

"Over here!" I shout.

I see a handsome blonde-haired boy walking toward me. He was tall, and it looks like he has green eyes. Although he looked like he was from the 40s, he was still gorgeous.

He looked lost, as if he knew where he was, but didnt understand where everybody went.

"Excuse me!" he said, "What happened here?"

"I dont know. I woke up on March 5, 1971. But I fell asleep on March 4, 1970."

"Wait hold on one second. You are telling me that I am in 1971!" the boy said, shocked.

"Yeah? What other time would you be in?" I said, confused.

"Well, Im from the 40s. I was born in 1925," The boy said, "Anyway, my name is Jason Williams, what is yours?"

"Mary-Grace Smith, nice to meet you, Jason."

While talking to this Jason boy I realized that I kind of like him. He seemed to be sweet and a genuine person. I knew straight away that he was very different from me. I'm usually good at figuring out what people are hiding from me, but for some reason, Jason is hard to read. I don't know if my "magic" isn't working or if he hid it so well in his time that nobody even noticed that he is forcing a deep voice.

I don't have a problem with whatever he is hiding. I just want to know if he is ok. I knew that Jason wasn't who he said he was. Not like a bad person, but maybe he just made a few white lies about himself. If you know me you'd know that I'm straight up with people and want to make sure that everyone has what they need. But sometimes things don't need to be shared. I won't say anything until he is ready to tell me.

"Hey, Mary-Grace?"

"Yes?" I said replied slowly

"Since you woke up, did you at all think you might be you know... dead?" Jason said, sadly.

"I never actually gave that a thought. I just assumed that everything went to hell when I went missing."

"I really miss my family and it is impossible to time travel. You know?" He said softly.

I'm not afraid to say it mostly because its true, but everything has been handed to me since I was born. I guess that's why this one person hated my guts. But everyone that I talked to said that they loved me and also told others that I was an amazing person.

"Do you feel that? Do you see that? What is happening to me?!" I said rapidly.

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