Sora Goes to McDonald's

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"Are we there yet???" 

"For the--" a moment's pause as the adult counts "--SEVENTEENTH time, Sora, we are NOT AT MCDONALDS YET."

"UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGHhhhhhhhhhhhh." Sora groans, sliding down the seat of the car. "i'm HUNGRY."

"Sora we have been in the car for five goddamn minutes," Riku sighs from his left.

"HEY AXEL SAID WE CAN''T SAY THAT." Kairi screeches from his right.

"I'm fifteen I can do what I want," Riku scoffs, doing a little head flip to push the hair out of his eyes.

"That's not a good excuse," Axel sighs.

"He said that's not an excuse Riku!!!!"

"hungey." Sora moans, halfway to the floorboard. How his seatbelt managed to stretch this far was a mystery to him.

"Sora why'd you even want McDonald's??? Subway is MUCH better," Kairi states, frowning.

"Subway sucks ass. Burger King is the best."

"Riku you're just like Larxene. You guys need to shut the frick up and go on a trip to Hot Topic together so you can talk about how much you hate Subway, which is undoubtedly the best food chain."

"Um??? Ew???Kairi's ignoring the worst thing about what you said. which is that Burger King is the best and to that I say, what the frick no its not????" sora counters, laying fully in the floorboards. "Burger King is nasty, Riku."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is. Do you know how many heartless i've seen leaving there???" 

"Oh what so now you're anti-Heartless?  Is that it? You just hate the heartless don't you."

"Well NO WONDER you like eating there, riku!!!! You heartless, Burger-King-Loving-sonofa--" Sora's stomach growls. "Are we there yet. I'm hungry and Riku's shoes are not good pillows and also he's mean."

"Sora oh my god we are two minutes away." Kairi groans. "Look. Look out the freaking window. There it is. There's the McDonald's."

Sora aggressively sits up and clambers into his seat. "OHMYGOD."

The long journey is finally coming to a close.

Only a few miles away is one of the most breathtaking, awe-inspiring sights Sora thinks a person could ever see.


"We're here," Sora sighs breathlessly. "We're finally here."

"Still don't see what you like so much about this place," Kairi states.

"Same here," Axel agrees, frowning, "but it was Sora's turn to pick."

"The fact that Sora and Riku are the ones who get to pick is stupid. WE'RE the ones who have to wait in the lobby for the entirety of their hour-long relationship therapy session."

"We can have Subway next time we're near one."

"Frick yes," Kairi hisses excitedly. "Axel you are so much cooler than Larxene."

Meanwhile, Sora is staring at the miraculous golden arches in wonder. How could a mere mortal create such a miraculous symbol of love, of prosperity, of hope? The glimmering gold sheen of the arches fills Sora's heart with joy.

"Sora," Riku calls. "SORA."


"Are you gonna come inside?? We can't order without you."

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