the clash

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Living in the midst of guys is so fun but annoying.
7'oclock on the dot, Jane Peterson woke up.she laid on a scattered bed . She's fair skinned ,very beautiful and endowed.she was on low cut,she decided to cut her long brown hair at the age of 12 .she streches her hands and legs and she yawned loudly (she didn't cover her mouth) .she wore baggy trousers ,she wore a white plain shirt and one gold ear ring on her left ear.she still wanted to stay in bed though but she had to do her chores before her dad comes for her early morning checking ,her brothers left all the work to her so she was stuck .her room was damn messy although better than the guys room,you don't want to go in there .Jane is 15 yrs old ,sweet sixteen coming up but the usuals annoying brothers snooping in and out.she still loves them alot because her brothers and her dad are all she got .her mum passed on three years back ,she died of heart disease .
So that's aside ,she first has to wake up her brothers buh she has to clean first.........
She goes into the living room ..mehn she felt like exploding .paper raps and pillows everywhere.
" Why must I allows clean their mess ..fuck! " She said and started picking up the pillows and raps .
"What the neck are my panties doing here.who ever did this will pay dearly" she said angrily. She went into the laundry and carried her # doom mop# .
" Am going to deal with the mother fucker with this" she said and headed for their room .she bagged into the room .she didn't realize that her brothers were not on clothes because she was too angry to notice.she opened her eyes.
"Ahhh!!" She screamed
"Jane!!!" The three shouted . they rushed to get their towel from the wash room.she covered her eyes with her right hand .
" What's going on?.that in the world you guys up to" she said.
" Hope it's not what am caught josh masturbating ,I can't believe you all are" she said.the guys already tied their towels
" You can open your eyes now " Kelvin said. Kelvin is her senior bro, heavily built ,light skinned ,black hair and very serious.his 22 year's old .
" How dare you .you just bagged in .you didn't knock now you have seen our dicks mehn" Joshua said.her second brother, the dwarf of the family and the black sheep.his aspiring to be a basket baller and footballer but his height discourages him.his light skinned and heavily built.he always puts on his ear piece listening to music .his a crazy dude and her favorite person.
" Am gonna tell daddy " ace said.ace the baby of the family although not the last born behaves like a toddler.his 18 yes old ,weird and sluggish
"Ace mehn are you listening to yourself" Kelvin asked
"Actually.we Should tell pop she saw our dicks!" Josh shouted
" Ace u break my heart " Jane said.
" Well you guys I didn't see a thing" she said and laughs.
"You !!! And I thought maybe you.mehn" ace said
" Typical Jane" Josh said
Ace looks around ,he looks quite confused.
" Who took my bockers pls" he said
" Speaking of bockers ,who took my panties to the leaving room" she yelled
" Oh boy ...the red one?" Josh said
"The one with a purple net ribbon"
Kelvin said
" Yessss!" She shouted
" Ace did it" Josh snitched
"Ace your a goner" she said
" Run !" Josh shouted .
Jane quickly took her mop inside and shut the door.
" Hes so dead" Kelvin said
" Let's just relax and enjoy the show" Josh said
Kelvin and Josh sat on their beds .
" It's me and u" Jane said and ace started running . eventually she caught him,she was a good runner by the way and cleaned his face with the mop.
" Ewww!! " Josh screamed.
"That should teach you all a lesson " Jane said and left the room .
" Mehn sorry though ,it's kinda your fault" Kelvin said
Joshua laughs
Jane was sitting down in the sitting room when her phone rang,it's Jackie Walter .Jackie is her best friend who is apparently the opposite of jane. She turned sixteen three weeks ago .Jane picks the call .
" Hey bibs " Jane said.
" Hey b .what's up" Jackie answered
" Babe I gat news buh I have to come to your house to tell you " Jackie said
"What's so special .anyway till you come  around what time " Jane asked.
" Afternoon time girl. Bibs are you brothers at home ?" She asked.
"Yes, buh I will put them under control" she said
"Ok love, ltr den" Jackie said and cut the call. Jane went into the kitchen,they have a small bell that their dad used to call them out .she rang the bell. "Come out guys " she said ,but no one came out  .
" Guys pizza delivery.i ordered" she said , immediately they all rushed out
"Wheres the pizza" ace said
"There's no pizza right"Josh asked.
"Nope" Jane laughed.
"So why you disturbing our lives ,I was having a video call with a babe"Kelvin said
"Tell us about it" Jane said
"None of ur business..mind it" he yelled.
"Ok ok guys my friend jackie is coming over" Jane said
"Jackie!!" Ace smiled
" Here we go again." Josh said
" I seriously don't want ace embarrassing us again" Kelvin said
" That's why I called you guys .hold ace so he won't behave like a weirdo. Last time he was following her around looking at her ass lustfully,he even wrote one boring letter .so guys pls keep him in check" Jane said.
"Jane but I like your friend" ace begged.
" Bro who on earth will like you?" Josh said.
" Deep dude that was harsh" Kelvin said.
" That's you guys problem am off" Jane said and left.
It's afternoon ,very cloudy . everywhere was cool , there was a knock at the door .ace was at the dining table Having breakfast (cereal) .he heard the knock on the door and went to open it .
" Hey ace ,am looking for j.boy " she said
Ace is staring at her .
" Hello ace...hello" she added
Still no answer,she entered inside and ace was still looking
"Hey Jackie,how are you doing?"he said.
"Am fine . where's Jane?" She asked
" You look really sexy today" he said.jackie avoided the questions
" Am going to her room bye" Jackie said .
" Jackie wait pls your number at least so we can chat more " he asked .he was snubbed, Jackie went up to Jane's room .she knocked
" Whos there " Jane asked
" It's me!" Jackie said. Jane knew it was obviously her bestie.she opened the door and let her in .
" I must say your brother is such a weirdo ,see how he was starring " Jackie said
" Well I have weird brothers " Jane laughed
" So babes what's so important " she asked
" Oh yes,I even forgot .babes I think I have a crush " she smiled.
Jane sighed
" I don't like this topics you know all this lovey dovey stuff ain't my thing" she said.
" Just listen so this guy is our senior in school.hes very popular and has many trippers " Jackie said
Jane blocked her ears" not interested " she yelled
" Just listen b " Jackie said and frowned
" Ok go on am all ears" Jane said
" His name is" Jackie was interrupted by josh who bagged in ." Jane I need help pls " he said.
" No now shush" she Said
" Babes you were saying" Jane asked Jackie.
" Go answer your bro first " she said and Jane went with josh
They stopped at the corridor
" So this girl sent me nudes ,I don't know what to say " he said
Jane put her hand on her face and shakes her head.
" That's why you called me out ?" She asked
" Duh! Obviously " josh said
Jane Walked out on him
" You will surely come back to ask for something" he shouted
" Fuck you " she said
She went back inside .
" Babes my brother's are really crazy" she said.
" Bibs am hungry " Jackie said .
Jane took Jackie downstairs and offered her cupcakes ,they forgot their initial was already late ,Jackie's mum came over to pick her up
" Jane see you in school " she Said
They bid each other good bye and her mum drove off.
It's Monday morning, Jane is that only one still in high school amongst her siblings.she wakes up early ,he had her bath and dressed in her school uniform ( a red jacket,black skirt and white t-shirt with black shoe and socks .) She actually has an awkard way of dressing she doesn't fold get collar ,she leaves one sock folded and the other straight.she wears get normal one earing and doesn't comb her hair .she loves wearing black sun shades and carried a blue bag ( her favourite colour ) . her dad and brothers allows complain about her dressing but it never yeilds anything.she has a mind of her own.she had her breakfast and went into the school bus waiting in front of her gate and they drove off.they arrived at school ,she walked along the hallway with so much confidence like always only to clash with Nicolas
" Hey watch it girl" Nicolas said
" No you watch it. You bumped into me punk " she said
" What nerve ,infact just go down ruin my mood" he said
" Hello proud guy .mind your self or I will treat you like dirt" she talked back.
" I can see your nuts but am nut so get the fuck out of my sight" he said
" No you get out" she said.nicolas walks out .
" Who the hell is this .so proud " she thought aloud .
" He's Nicolas Scott ,every girls dream " a girl in a hall way said to Jane.
" Dream guy my foot.if I see this dog again am gonna show him " she says and goes to her class.
Nicolas walks up to his friend Kyle who was waiting for him to go for swimming practice
" Yo man ,whats with the angry face" Kyle asked.
" It's one bitch .she bumped into me on my way here so dumb " he yelled
" Calm down men whos the new chick you bad ass " kyle asked
" She can never be my babe trust me.her dress Alone freaks me out " he said.
" I Know that girl " he laughs
" Shes jane Peterson popular j.boy" he said
" I don't give a fuck " Nicolas said
" Let's go " he added and they walked away.


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