Going to Hawaii

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Anniepov: I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing loudly i picked it up and answered the phone.


jayden: Annie are you coming?


jayden: wait...your ready right...?

Annie: wait what time is it...?

Jayden: its 8:30 come on your joking you know you have to pick up me and maddie up at 9:00 to take us to the airport!!

Annie:oh uh yeah hahah...duh im almost done getting ready...*scrambles out of bed*

Jayden: ok hurry up we need to be on the plane by 10:30

Annie:i know i know ok bye see you soon! *hangs up and dials maddie's number*

Maddie:hey Annie whats up arent you excited!?

Annie:yeah! ok so im just seeing that your up im coming over in about 20ish minutes

Maddie:kk i'll be waiting 

Annie:k bye bye *hangs up*

Anniespov: It was 8:07 when i was off the phone. I grabbed some clothes and got dressed. (black cropped shirt, jean shorts, and sandles.) i brushed my hair and teeth and grabbed my suitcase and bags i loaded my bags into my jeep and speed off to jayden's house.

Annie: *knocks on jaydens door*

jayden: hey! 

Annie: hey Jayden you ready?

Jayden: yup let me grab my bags

Anniespov: we get Jaydens bags into my jeep and we drive to maddie's house she was waiting outside.

Maddie: WOOOH lets go Ladies!

Grace:haha hey maddie!

Jayden: hey girl hop in

Anniespov: We put maddies bags in and start driving to the airport  we arrived at 10:15 there was only 15 minutes to get on the plane we ran! and made it on time just in time. Jayden managed to get a seat next to an old lady and Maddie got one next to a screaming 6 year old boy who's parents i guess didn't want to sit next to him. i couldn't find a seat and it got me worried for a second but i finaly found one next to a guy in a baseball cap and glasses. 

Maddie: Annie! psst Annie..! *she calls me from a few seats behind*

Annie: maddie..What?

Maddie: *mouths the words help*


Annie *i turn back around*

Anniespov: I pulled out  a magazine as we took off i couldn't help but notice that guy next to me kept glancing over. I ignored it and fell asleep. I woke up to the creepy man staring at me.

Annie:*sits up* umm can i help you??

him:hey could i maybe get your number..? *smiles akwardly and tries to put his hand on my leg*

Annie:*moves over uncomfortably* umm can you like not..?

him: what..*leans in*

Annie:*gets up and walks over to flight attendent*

lady: hon i'm gonna have to ask you to sit down

Annie:um is there a way i can switch seats with someone?

lady:why is there something wrong?

Annie: the guy next to me is acting kinda..um weird and i don't feel comfortable..

lady: im sorry could just sit down i need to go give out some more things to first class!

Annie: but i-

lady: *walks away*

Anniespov: I sigh and go back to my seat 

him: So how'd it go..?

Annie: shut up

him: but i-

Annie: shut up!

Anniespov: i just want to get off this plane right now. its crazy how i have to sit next to this creep for a 12 hour flight.

*next day*

Anniespov: we landed at midnight which is technically the next day and i was so hype to get off that plane. me and the girls got off the plane and grabbed our bags. 

Maddie: where to now..?

Annie: idk im tired 

Jayden: same lets just got to a hotel and drive to Annie's families beach house in the morning

Annispov:my parents let me use the house down here its really nice its about 8 minutes from the close's beach and has 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. Everyone was excited for this new adventure.

Maddie: yeah im so tired..

Annie:same ok let me search for a hotel on google. *looks in bag*

Jayden:make it quick im about to pass out

Annie:yeah hah sorry...i cant find my phone-

Maddie: what...what do you mean..?

Annie: Its not in my purse..

Jayden: shit! come on Annie you must of left it on the plane!

Annie: what im pretty sure-

Maddie:ok ok thats enough its fine we can just use my phone and we can call the Airport to see if they found your phone..

Grace: yeah i mean i guess

Jayden: ok

Anniespov:Maddie finds the closes hotel that was 6 minutes away we walked. The hotel wasnt so bad it was a 3 and a half star with 2 beds and a pull out couch. there was a small bathroom and a microwave and fridge we all thought it was fine so we payed for the one night stay. We were all tired so we all passed out me and Maddie on the beds and Jayden on the couch..which she was so tired she didn't even get to pull it out. We all fell asleep and it was about 2:30 by then.

Maddie: Grace! Jayden!

Jayden: mmmm


Maddie: come on guys we only booked this hotel for the night its 10:00 we need to get out our things and sign out by 10:30

anniespov: It took me and jayden a couple minutes to fully wake up and when we did we had about 15 minutes to pack up, since it was only the night we didnt really un pack anything but a few clothes and other things. we put our belongings away within a few minutes and we all got dressed

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