Bomb Blast

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The ambulance sirens are flashing continuously. More and more people are getting admitted to the hospital. Paramedics are running in and out. Nurses are running here and there while holding emergency first aid kits in their hands.

The hospital wards are occupied. Emergency cases are allowed and nonemergency cases are sent to the nearby hospitals.

Police arrived at that movement. They are trying to calm the people.

Media outlets made their way. They are trying to interview citizens, patients, nurses, paramedics, and doctors.

Media outlets are trying to interview each and every person who caught their eye.

Suddenly a doctor came out to see a patient who is having an emergency situation. When he exited the operation theatre he is informed to head down to see a patient.

He came to give a basic medication to the patient so that he can make out at least for an hour. So that the doctor can perform an emergency operation and save his life.

The moment the doctor stepped out. Media outlets surrounded him and drowned him in a pool of questions.

"Doctor, can you please tell us how is the situation inside?"

"Doctor, what is your opinion on this whole situation?"

"Doctor, Can you give us information about how you are handling the patients now?"

"Doctor, how many patients you are handling now?"

"Doctor, please tell us how many will survive from all of the patients you treated?"

"Doctor, how many doctors are there at present inside?"

"Doctor, since the wards are filled how are you going to handle the remaining patients?"

"Doctor, what kind of measures the hospital management is going to take since the staff is less?"

"Please, just wait I will answer every question at the end of the day. There is a patient I have to treat his condition is critical. please let me treat." he begged them as he made his way by pushing them away.

He reached the spot where the paramedics and a nurse are trying hard to stabilize the patient's condition. He rushed towards them. He checked his pulse. He frowned when he noticed the patient's pulse is dropping rapidly.

He checked his heartbeat. His heartbeat also dropping. He did resuscitation immediately. When he felt his pulse is getting stabilized he relaxed a bit. He continued doing it. Finally, his pulse is stabilized. 

The doctor saw the media is shooting them but didn't care as they didn't disturb him from treating the patient.

"Take him to the emergency ward immediately. And prepare everything for surgery. And prepare equipment for AED." he ordered them immediately.

Because the patient is having a heavy blood loss. Due to this heartbeat is weak. So, he had to perform the treatment immediately and have to do a blood transfusion. And then have to do a surgery to his brain as there is a blood loss from his back of his head.  He is in a hurry to treat the patient.

At this exact moment, the annoying media outlets came again.

" Doctor, what is his condition?"

"Doctor, will he live?"

"Doctor, will he die?"

"Doctor, what exactly happened to him?"

"Doctor, you are not responding to us?"

"Doctor answer one question."

"Doctor, what kind of treatment are you going to give?"

"Doctor, why did you arrive late?"

"Doctor, please share your opinion on his condition?"

"Doctor, what kind of treatment are you going to give to him"

The doctor is trying to push those reporters as he is in a hurry to take the patient to the emergency ward and perform the surgery.

The doctor is trying to avoid all the depressing questions asked by the reporters. But the last question triggered him most.

They are the ones who stopped him at the entrance and shooter the treatment process he did to the patient. And also they are the one who is stopping from giving treatment to the patient.

"You guys, the media has some respect. Just please try to maintain it. Here a person's life on the line and you are here asking me question after question. And delaying the time. If I perform the surgery late he will die. Are you going to take responsibility? 

And here you are accusing me of arriving late? Huh?

Aren't you guys who are the reason for my late arrival?

Please respect us and give us space. So that we can treat patients. A second delay can take a person's life. " The doctor finally burst out.

He is frustrated.

Being a doctor is hard. People will come and handover their lives to him. He had to take care of those of lives.

He feels guilty if something goes wrong.

He feels happy when that person smiles at him wholeheartedly after he is fine. That smile will make him feel content. But these reporters are delaying his time and obstructing him from treating the patient.

He knew it is their job. But it doesn't mean they should obstruct the other person from doing their job and that too a doctor.

A lawyer, doctor, police and a politician are the public servants. Their first job is to serve people not to answer the reporters' questions. He is willing to answer the media's question in his free time. But now is not the best time.

Even if a passerby sees a person dying on the street he will try to help him. But here these media people clearly saw the patient is dying but didn't give him away to treat him. Instead, they are interviewing isn't it harsh.

Do they want a person to die?

Thinking all these, the doctor became angrier. But now it is not the time to lash them out. He quickly calmed down and pushed the patient to the ward.

He asked the patient relatives to stay out and be calm. He then immediately started his treatment.

At the end of the day, everyone is tired but they cannot rest due to a bomb blast in the country.

The whole country is in chaos due to the occurrence of a bomb blast in the meeting held by the country's.....


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