Chapther 1

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Authors note

I hope you guys enjoy the story!

I woke up just to see white walls in a bed
'What happend? And how the hell did I get here?' I i moved from my original position.

"Your finally awake my son" said a voice I suddenly heard

A portal appeared infront of me and a guy  spiky black hair with pale skin and mid-lenght horns

A portal appeared infront of me and a guy  spiky black hair with pale skin and mid-lenght horns

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"Who the hell are you!?" I said to this weird guy in front of me

"My name is hades The demon king, and your biological father Yuuichiro" said my so called father

"Funny joke man, but your lying my parents are humans and they want nothing to do with me, just because they called me a demon back then doesn't mean I really am one" I said to him

*sigh* "Yuu, what I am telling is true" said hades

"And why should I believe you?" I said with a raised eyebrow

"Okay, here mind standing still for me please?" He said to me

"...Fine" I hesitantly said to him

He started saying something in a language I can't understand. Then suddenly images started to appear in my head.

I was running from my father hades as he catches me and picks me up with a bright smile on his face, then Yuri whines about how she wanted to be picked up by father too, so father picks her up as well while we were laughing a guard came in with a worried expression on his face
"My king, Salem and her sworn grims are going to attack the castle"

My father got a concerned face and sent me and my sister to our room, after sometimes of me hiding under my bed mother came in and said to me
" My son, I love you so much and it pains me to do this but I will have to send you away from here, so you wouldn't get harmed, I am so sorry" my mother started crying

"Mother dont worry I'll be fine, and your only doing what is best for me I love you too" I said with a sad smile plastered on my face

I heared footsteps outside the door and I started hearing swords clashing with another sword

"Mother I will miss you"
"I will as well my son"

She started saying the spell to send me away and probably to seal my memories, the last thing I remember hearing the door break down and heard my mothers scream and black

I woke up in a strange clean white place
(You would probably know the rest)

I didnt realize I was crying until I felt a tear roll down my cheek, I looked at the man- no my father and hugged him with tears in my eyes

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