Chapter 1 - Vidcon

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14 July 2013
Kian was just getting ready to see everyone who came to both his and O2L's meet & greets at Vidcon that year. He asked Jc what he should wear.

"I dunno, something cool" he replied. "Hey! Maybe you should wear that "booshka" shirt from your merch, I bet A LOT of people will be wearing it!"

"Yeah, that might be a good idea!" Kian said. "I'll go try it on".
Whilst Kian was stuck digging through his closet, looking for his shirt, there was a knock on the door.

"Keep on looking, I'll get it" Jc said as he walked down the stairs and opened the door.

"Hi! Is Kian still here?" The voice of a girl said. The voice was faint from upstairs but Kian immediately knew who it was and sprung to the door.

"Andrea! Hi! I'm just getting ready for the meet & greets, come on in! Hi Jenn!" he said, with a big smile plastered on his face as he kissed Andrea and gave her a "follow me" gesture. Andrea followed Kian upstairs and sat down on his bed, whilst Jc and Jenn went into the kitchen to get some drinks.

"Found it!" Kian shouted after yet again being stuck in behind all his clothes, looking for his shirt.

"Andrea, what do you think of me wearing this shirt with maybe a red bandana?" He asked holding it up to his chest.

"It's good, but I think you should wear the blue shirt that's like a little tie-dye, you know the one from Hawaii?" she replied. "It'll be a nice contrast to the red bandana!" she countered cheerfully.

"I think you might be right!" Kian answered with a smile. "I mean, you clearly have a sense of style" he said, gesturing towards her outfit choice of the day.

"Awww, that's sweet" she said with her cutest baby voice and big puppy dog eyes as she leaned in and planted a kiss on his surprisingly soft lips.


Meanwhile, Jc and Jenn were talking down in the kitchen.

"So, you're aware of all the "JcPenney" shipping right?" Jenn asked as she took a sip from her water bottle. She was practically giving him the "come on admit your feelings" stare, which was making Jc a little uncomfortable, but he ignored the awkwardness and kept on talking to answer Jenn's question.

"Yeah, I know. They seem to think that we have some chemistry. Which is weird, huh?" Now Jc was the one staring at her trying to look for approval.

"Well, I guess I can understand where they're coming from. I mean, we do quite coupley things in our collabs. Like, for example, you hugged me and pulled me into the pool in the "Things Boys Hate About Girls" video, which is quite "romantic" if you see it that way, which some people apparently have" she said using a lot of hand gestures. They could both tell that they were nervous, being put in this situation. Jc finally had to say something to break the few seconds of silence.

"Well, do you think we should do anything? Like, address the matter in a video or something?" he asked.

"Yeah. I mean, that would be the ideal thing to do...but-" she paused. They were both leaning sideways against the kitchen counter with one elbow on it for support. As they both stared at each other's eyes, the desire for one and other grew stronger. Even though Jenn was going to have to finish her sentence sooner or later, she just stood there and didn't think about it. Instead she couldn't help but finally notice Jc's perfectly plump lips and how he was usually not pouting them this much. She bit her lip and whispered:

"You know, sometimes thoughts turn into..reali-" she was interrupted by Jc who had, all of a sudden, took her by the arms and embraced her. They were so close that the tips of their noses were almost touching now. Jc slowly, but softly, brushed his lips against Jenn's. They were both so caught up in the moment that she jumped up and wrapped her legs around Jc's waist as he carried her away toward the living room. As Jc let her down on the couch Jenn started tugging at Jc's hair and he started caressing her cheek. Their kisses were now coming with less space between and they were both breathing heavily.


Kian put the shirt on with some black jeans and posed in front of Andrea. She giggled.

"Perfecto!" she said with a bad Italian accent as she kissed her cupped hand and opened it in the air like typical Italians would do. Then they both laughed and went down the stairs. At the bottom they heard a sound coming from the living room. They turned around and followed the sound to find Jenn and Jc lip locking on the couch, Jenn straddling Jc.

~ At O2L's Meet & Greet ~

"Hey!" Andrea said as she poked her head through the curtain.

"Hey!" Kian turned around when he heard Andrea's voice behind him. He pecked her on the cheek as he brought her in for a hug and told her to meet some of the O2L fans.

"Yeah! You should!" Sam suggested.

"Just a couple people!" Connor encouraged, budding one of Andrea's shoulders.

"Sure!" She agreed, jokingly pouting her lips. They all stood there posing and meeting fans for a good two more hours before leaving and going out to eat at Panera. Andrea left after meeting about three people, to go back to her "booth" and then also came along to Panera. Later on they decided to go for some Fro-Yo before heading home.

Author's Note: Thanks for reading! I've worked on this for a couple of days now and I hope the people reading this will be more satisfied with this book than my other one, since this one is more mature. Share, Vote & make the Comment section explode! See ya soon! xoxo Noa 💋

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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