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It started with death. It ended with death. And everything in between was death. Just like some kind of dark curse that hovered over me from that one moment, the moment that changed everything. The moment that changed an innocent child to a sociopathic killer.

The shots came out of nowhere. One moment all was well with the world....the next....blood. Blood everywhere.


The bullets glistened in the light of a flickering street lamp just before they struck my parents. Then...there was silence. A cold, dead, unforgiving silence.

I was in shock. For a second I couldn't move, couldn't speak. Then.....

"No!!! Mom!! Dad!! No!! NO!!!!" I screamed, collapsing to the ground. I reached out to them, my hands came away covered in blood. Their blood. My parents blood. At that moment was when I snapped. Grabbing a pen from my fathers coat pocket, I stood, shaking, with tears running down my face and stared at the two men who had killed my parents.

One of them, a tall, blonde man with one eye, laughed "aw look at the little kiddie! You gonna cry now? Wahwahwah! Gonna cry like a widdle baby! Huh? That what ya gonna do kid?! Welcome to the real world kiddo. It's the place people come to die"

The other, short and terrifying, twirled a switch blade in his hand "Can I kill 'er now?"

Before the one eyed man could reply, I lunged at them. I honestly can't remember what happened next, but I do know that I somehow killed both of them in under a minute with a pen.

I was six at the time..............

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