Debate 59

108 3 2

Netflix has recently released a new movie titled 'Cuties', which is originally a French film. In this film, eleven year old Amy (who was raised in a strict, 'conservative', Muslim household) defies her family's traditional beliefs and joins a "free-spirited" (TWERK) dance group.

The supposed intention of the movie was to highlight the over-sexualisation of women in today's society and also to highlight young Amy's exploration of femininity and womanhood. According to most people, the intention is reasonable but the execution failed terribly. The trailer for the film has over 11 million views and over 1.8 million dislikes at the time this chapter was released. 

People are calling for the film to be removed, and earlier this week #CancelNetflix was trending.

So, what do you think?

Is it a harmless, coming-of-age film?

Should pre-teen girls be encouraged to "explore femininity" even in ways that may be harmful?

Where do we draw the line?


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