Last Time (Mature Zayn)

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She walked around the room, picking up the remains of her discarded clothes.

"Looking for this?" Zayn smirked, twirling her thong in his finger.

She snatched it away, unamused.

"Thanks babe." Zayn winked, slapping her bum and walking out of the room. As the door closed she fell onto the bed, throwing her hands over her face. She had never felt more used and disgusted in her life.

In order for you to understand, we need to rewind.

6 months ago:

I walked out of my 2nd class of the day, English. My books got knocked out of my hands as teachers and students ran frantically down the halls. Hearing a commotion outside in the front grounds of the school, curiosity got the best of me. Everyone had huddled into a circle, shouting everywhere. I was able to squeeze my way into the front. I rolled my eyes as a school janitor and teacher pulled Zayn and Daniel apart.

This wasn't unusual behavior. Zayn always was getting into fights with different students. Once he even got suspended for punching our science teacher. Zayn was the smoker, fighter, and all around jerk of the school. Every girl found it attractive except me.

Zayn and I had our history. We're neighbors and practically grew up together since Zayn is 2 months older than me. We were best friends growing up. We even shared our first kiss together. But once we entered high school he changed. He had his group of friends, and I had mine.

Mr. Perry pulled Zayn by the arm, he took a quick glance back at the nurses cleaning Daniel's bloody nose. He smirked as he walked past me. Zayn's friends cheered and high-fived him as he was dragged through the sea of people.

"All students report back to their classes immediately" The head teacher announced on speaker. Everyone spread, walking back into the school.

As I was on my way to science I heard my name being called on the loudspeaker to the headmasters office.

"Yes Miss?" I questioned, opening her office door slightly. I spotted Zayn sitting on one of the chairs in front of her desk, holding an ice pack to his knuckles.

"Ah, take a seat darling." She motioned, patting the seat next to Zayn. I sat down, taking a side glance at his cut up hand.

"As we all know, you're one of our best known tutors." Zayn snorted and I shot him a glare.

"With that being said, Zayn needs help with his mathematics. I want you to tutor him on weekends until he starts improving."

"With all due respect Miss, I tutor those who want to learn. Zayn is not willing to learn. He will just leave me with his work and I have my own studies to keep up with."

"What makes you think I'm not willing to learn? Just because you're smart doesn't give you the right to act like a snotty bitch all the time." Zayn spat at me.

It always hurt when Zayn spoke to me that way. All of our conversations consisted of spiteful comments that eventually our parents would have to get involved in. Both of our Mum's were becoming upset with us for it, seeing as how they both were best friends. They always tried to arrange dinner at each others houses to try and work out mine and Zayn's differences. But to be quite honest, I didn't even know why we hated each other so much.

"Enough! You will tutor Zayn, no objections. And Zayn, you will learn what she teaches you. If you both don't abide by the rules you each will get 3 weeks of detention am I clear?" We nodded our heads.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2012 ⏰

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Last Time (Mature Zayn)Where stories live. Discover now