CHAPTER 1 the first time

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Ava and I have been dating for over four years now and in our relationship she  always takes charge in everything, seeing how amazing she is and how much i adore her I usually let her have her way makes life easier if you know what I mean. We didn't have the regular type of relationship it was far from it but it just worked. A teacher and an Artiste two creative minds and little to know personal time. Ava was sweet, she cared about everything I didn't really give a hoot about like trees, animals, the environment these kinds of stuff but I always supported her in everything she does because that's what a supportive boyfriend does. throughout out four yeas we have only had 3 fights and its mainly because of her calm nature and her distaste in negativity and violence. We are completely opposites where she is calm collected, composed and gentle I am loud obnoxious, heated and rough but for some strange reason it just works for us. The only thing that you would think I excel in she completely dominates and that's our intimate life. normally you'd find the man to be more sexually active and be making the first moves but nope not here ava is the one running that show as well and i honestly love every aspect of it. Fast forward October 3rd 2019 a calm and chilled night the sky littered with stars the dew dripping from trees and the moon illuminating the entire neighborhood with its glow. I pulled up into the parking  lot of the art gallery owned by ava oh yes did i mention she's an artiste and she owns her own gallery and its so futuristic and cool the best part about it is that it is so big and spacious that she lives in the upstairs part of it, complete with two bedroom's a kitchen a laundry room, a dining area and a fucking spectacular master bathroom. she did a great job with the renovation of the place coming up  with the concepts and doing majority of the work on her own "my proud little handyman" but I digress i parked in the parking lot just outside the gallery and switched off the engine, i sat in my car for a few minutes running through my plan one more time to ensure i get it correct. I would enter the gallery through the back make my way up the stairs to her room and role play as if i was a thief. I know what you are thinking that is crazy what if she attacks me or what if she gets frightened yes yes i thought about all that that's why i told her i would do something like this but i didn't tell her when i just said it would be a surprise, and again where we live isn't really crime capital, but carrying on. I decided that tonight would be the night that i keep my promise and surprise my baby, stepping out the car the cold october wind blew past my neck sending chills all through my body I was nervous and I had no reason to be actually it was just us going to have sex like a regular couple but again we aren't regular. I made my way to the gallery taking one last good look at the moon it was mesmerizing and i felt captivated by it, i drew a Deep breath and went in.  I started to climb the stairs slowly as to not yet make my presence known i tried to remember the layout from memory as to not have to put on any lights for unnecessary theatrics. I was dressed in my regular grey sweatpants and tank top it's like i don't own any other items of clothing im always in sweats and a tank top. Finally arriving at the top of the stairs i could have seen the entire apartment clear as the light of the moon was beaming through the skylight i know ava's room is the one on the right so i enter and locked the door behind me leaned my back against it and with a smirk on my face whispered you are mine. Ava was really a phenomenal person and she thought of everything when designing the room the huge glass windows allowed the light to pour into the room and i gazed upon the figure wrapped in the sheets on the bed, she looked so adorable even in her sleep, well i would think i wasn't seeing her face all to clear. I sat at the edge of the bed and started rub her feet, i whispered but loud enough to wake her if she was sleeping. "hey there, this is a robbery and all I want to take in this place is you" cheesy i know don't judge me. i heard a soft moan which i assumed that she got the memo and was already playing along so removed my sweats and tank and climbed onto the bed and started placing soft kisses on who i thought was ava's neck and cheeks. Now here's the kicker the person in the bed was not Ava but her twin sister Sher who ironically  was in the middle of a very intimate dream about some sweet man coming to her sexual aid and having his way with her body and I was about doing the exact thing she was dreaming of. I slowly turned her over to face me and I started to place soft kisses on her lips and running my hands down her sides just soft enough to insight a reaction which i did get. By the few actions which i had carried out she had realized what was happening my was longer a dream but actual reality she began get tense and chills riddled through her body as a result to the feelings I was giving her. It must have come to her mind once or twice to stop because she came to speak but at both instances i hushed her crushed my lips with here's with the most passionate and intense kissing i could have afforded so i would assume she just gave up and not to mention i called her ava a few times as well so she probably had put the puzzle pieces together  but it was like my lips and aura had her spell bound and the moment was simply intoxication that she just felt compelled to participate.  After much more kissing and gentle butt rubs, I  the only thing separating our bodies was the silk sheets which  felt literally  invisible. because of the tension that was built up in the room. I leaned in and started to place kisses from her chest  and continuing on lower and lower until my lips made one with her second pair of lips and I could tell that she felt good because of the level of pure wetness that coated her now soaked panties, i took them off with one swift motion and dug my head into her sa if i hadn't eaten for days she let out a moan that would have made me release if i wasn't strong enough. I was started to have second thoughts about my abilities she normally runs her hands through my hair when im doing this activity but all she was doing was gripping the sheets and moaning mercilessly so I lifted my head and said, "am I doing a bad job" to which she responded by she pushing my head back down and that game me confirmation that it was ava by now my dick  was not only throbbing but was at full attention and i felt like it needed some attention. after allowing "ava" to cum 3 time in my mouth i mean why not i stood up and slowly lifted her chin and kissed her she kissed back but this time it was more intense and before i could have made my demand she flung me into the bed pulled off my boxer and said "now be a good boy and don't make a sound" and with that went down on me like she had been preparing for such an occasion. By that simple action I knew that was "ava". She continued for some time not missing a beat and slurping like it was her favourite drink i couldn't help myself i released into her mouth with the most beastly moan i ever heard from myself i was surprised  but not as surprised when i realised that she had slurped it all up and swallowed it to my girlfriend is a freak and i love it. Feeling the tension in the room I pushed my index finger in her and started to finger her. This made her let out some moans and she wanted more I could have felt it. At that feeling I threw her over and pushed my dick in her pussy slowly. She started to groan and say faster. The voice sounded different but I did not mind maybe that's what sex causes. So I went faster. We did about twenty different positions for about 45 minutes. Then we fell off the bed. I got up and said I'm living then she pulled me back and placed my head between her chests so I made use of the situation. I started to suck her nipples one after the other that put her on fire. When I went down to her pussy to taste that turned her on even more and we started all over again. We rolled all over the floor so much we hit the door. Suddenly I heard footsteps from the other room coming closer so I lifted sasha put her on the bed and went under the sheets. The light switch came on and in came Ava shouting all over the place it sounded as if she had just woken up from a deep sleep

Ava: Sasha what's going on I'm trying to sleep

Sasha I thought that's not Ava's middle name so I poked my head from under the sheets to my amazement Ava was standing at the door

Ava: Nathen what are you doing here

Nathen: having sex with you what do you think

Ava: but I am here and you are there

I slowly turned to my side to see this beautiful princess looking girl she was a brunette with long Indian hair. Hazel nut eyes a wonderful lip shape a pretty mole on her check and the most gorgeous body a man could ever want.

Nathen:who is this

Ava= my twin sister

Nathen: you'll don't look anything alike

Ava: I know so you and my sister have been having sex in here all night

Nathen: no well yes but it's not what you think

Ava:ok so what is it

Nathen: I wanted to surprise you so I came into your room for us to have sex

Ava: aww baby I don't blame you but we can still have it

Nathen: I can't I am all confused and depressed now so I'll see you tomorrow

As I was leaving the room I took one last look at Sasha with her cute innocent eyes I fell deeply in love with them. I drove home and when I arrived I still could not forget the image of Sasha.

Me: I have never seen Ava naked but I have seen her sister oh fuck I have issues

When I have mixed emotions I go to the studio in my house to paint but all I could see in my mine was Sasha she was so unbelievable. I decided to take a hot bath to wash away the guilt, drink some coffee eat some toasted bread and cheese and watch the Steve Harvey show and then go to bed. And that's exactly what I did to try to forget that night of fun and pleasure with Sasha it was the best night I had in a long time.

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