The Hive Mind

63 8 111

July 8 2023

Fabian and Marcel were walking through the ruins of New York as They were arguing with each other about their plans and who has a bigger brain even though none of them has a bigger plan.

Marcel: I swear I regret working with you.

Fabian: Really? Atleast I'm smart compare to you.

Marcel: Ha.When was the last time you executed a plan without messing up?

Fabian: What about you? You messed up too.

Marcel: Shut up you buffoon.

They were gonna argue until they heard something as They saw what it was in the car.

They were gonna argue until they heard something as They saw what it was in the car

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Marcel: Oh Crap.

The Enchanced Stalker was stalking them as More Stalkers started playing games with them.

Fabian: Oh no. We're dead.

Marcel: I forgot to bring a gun.

Fabian: Me too.

They hid behind some cars as The Stalkers were looking for them as They were scared by their tactics and growls.

Meanwhile Back in The Safe Zone. The Team managed to get up as They were really tired but they need to keep moving. Right now They were looking for what attacked New York and Where did the initial outbreak started. Little did they know. They were gonna meet something else. Briggs saw the team as he waved at them.

Briggs: Glad to see all of you fine. *Looks at Daikon And Alex* We haven't properly met so I'll start. Admiral Benjamin Briggs.

Alex: Alex Ambrose.

Daikon: Daikon Black.

Briggs: Alright you two. So What do we have now?

Keku: Simmons and Carla are dead but Rachel is nowhere to be found.

Mayu: She's hiding somewhere but we just don't know when.

Dario: Admiral, Do you have any idea where the initial outbreak first started?

Briggs: It started in Downtown and after that it spread foward.

Sheva: Interesting. What about the strange monster?

Chris: We keep hearing about it and apparently they're saying it's the same monster that attacked Nevada.

Wyatt: Whatever it is. Its angry and its slowly destroying New York and its smart.

Briggs: We haven't seen that thing but we do have sightings of a women walking around New York. She was even spotted before the outbreak.

Briggs showed the picture to them as They were looking at it.

Briggs showed the picture to them as They were looking at it

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