Chapter 0

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Ace frowned, staring at the dead bodies littered around. He was stranded in a particular Island, and aside from that, he haven't even entered the Grand Line yet.

He was in this peculiar Island, and because of the current flow where one could enter but can't get out, Ace miserably failed to get the hell out of this Unique Island. What's more, he's been in here for 4 days straight, and he haven't seen anyone around, except to the dead bodies and the bones that he was currently glaring at for no reason.

"Looking distress, are we?"

"What the?!"

Ace jumped in shocked when a soft voice whispered behind his ear, and he was sure that someone is definitely there because the hot breath touched his skin.

Turning around almost immediately, Ace onyx black eyes met a unique bright cyan orbs.

It was a girl...—No, scratched that.

It was an extremely beautiful girl!

Ace gaped, his eyes locking at hers in shocked. He stared, not saying anything as he gazed at her blankly.

Am I starting to hallucinate?... He asked himself.

The girl was like an angel being, and her existence was too good to be true! Ace looked confused, and he's starting to thinked that this girl was part of his imagination because he's so lonely in this place filled with dead bodies.

The girl suddenly smiled, "Hello!"

The sound of her cheerful voiced caused Ace to flinched, and in an instant, he stood up and backed away from the girl.

"Wait!..." He muttered, and then his eyes went wide like saucers. "You-You're real?!" He screamed in shocked.

The girl blinked, also shocked though it was because of Ace's sudden outburst. A second and she immediately snapped out of her shocked and smiled, chuckling in amusement.

"Hey, what's with that?" She asked merrily before pouting. "Of course I'm real! What made you think I'm not?"

Ace's flushed just seeing that pouting face.

This was a real being, alright?! The girl who he thought as a mere imagination was actually a real person who was standing there lot far away from him, and to think he almost kissed her lips due to their closeness a while ago!

Ace tried to be calm. Keyword:Tried. Seeing a lady with this calibre, he really can't stay calm. No matter how much he thought about being decent, he really can't deny the fact that the girl was extremely attractive.

"You're Portgaz D. Ace, right?" The girl suddenly asked, tearing Ace away from his dazed.

Ace furrowed his eyebrow in confusion and curiosity as he narrowed his gaze at the girl. "How'd you know my name, Miss?"

The girl fell silent, and with a mysterious smile, she raised three fingers. "You have three days."

"Huh?" Ace suddenly felt a gush of wind, and the sound of it sounding like a howl as it passed through the bodies of dead.

The girl didn't answer, and instead, throw another question at him.

"Your brother, If ever he get himself in a dangerous situation where he has to die, will you offer your life to make sure he'll live?"

The question was strange, but nonetheless it makes Ace's face turned dangerous dark. His expression changed from calm to gloomy, and ignoring his strange attraction towards the extremely beautiful girl, he dangerous stared at her coldly.

"Who are you and what do you know about my brother?" He asked coldly as though sensing that there's something wrong.

"Answer my question. I have no time left to explain, however, things would end up differently depending on your answer." The girl stated, the sound of sadness looming on her tone.

Ace frowned, "Luffy always attract Trouble whenever he is, and I'm sure once he set sail and start being a Pirate, he'll be reckless and would caused a lot of trouble for his crew. However....."

The girl listened carefully, and her ears perked once Ace stopped and within that small pause, their eyes met and she could see those black eyes staring at her without any hint of hesitation.

"Despite going on a different way, I'm still his older and if I have to get killed so he could live, I'll do it without hesitation. After all, I wouldn't even think of living if it weren't for my brothers."

The girl smiled, and it was shown that she's satisfied with what she just heard as she let out sigh in relief.

"With your answer, I have decided to give that guy another chance." She said softly, giving Ace a closed eyed smiled.

Ace paused, and the cold intimidating aura surrounding his disappeared as he furrowed his eyebrow.

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

The girl stood straight, and placed her right arm behind her back like a soldier, bending down a little before extending her other hand at Ace, a gentle smile gracing her face.

"Ace, would you like to take a trip into the future?"

She stood there within the darkness, but she could see an Altar surrounded by a bundles of Red roses.

There stood a man in the middle, standing in front of the altar where a Red coffin was placed.

"You were messing around too much, shouldn't we accept what the destiny have dictated? He's already dead, what's the used of bringing him back?" The girl asked, her voice calm and quiet, though it's just enough for him to hear.

The man smiled sadly, "It is true that he's dead. But Rogue wished for him to continue what he left off, and the one who hasn't met Whitebeard would be way more okay traveling with that kid who's destined to inherit the will."

The girl frowned, messing her hair a little as she moved her gaze at the coffin, staring at the red hibiscus that was placed at the top of it.

Her frowned deepened, her locks hiding her eyes and creating a shadow that hides her emotions.

"You...are investigating more into keeping the wished of the dead. There's a consequences, and you'll know this is a mistake when the problems arise." The girl stated lowly in a dangerous tone.

Hearing her words, the man smiled and chuckled lowly. "There's always a consequences, one just had to have courage to face it. Once the problems appeared, all you could do is faced it bravely or pushed it away like a coward. The kids ain't the one to ran away and ignore it, so they'll be fine."

The girl sigh, "Recklessness flows within the blood of a D"

The man just laugh at her words, though a look of dazed settled on his face as he smiled softly at the coffin.

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