wedding night

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You looked at yourself in the mirror awestruck.

You were in an elegant white wedding dress with the most elegant designs you've ever seen.

Today was the day you finally got married. Married to Feliciano Vargas.

"(F/N)? It's time." one of the people sayed. You were so nervous you didn't even know who said that. You took a deep breath and clenched the beautiful bouquet of white roses you held close to your chest.

The doors open and when all of the bridesmaids exit, it's finally your turn to step out.

Once Feliciano see's you walking down the aisle, his breath hitched. You were absolutely beautiful with that embarrassed smile you had on your face at the moment and the whit wedding dress that flowed elegantly as you walked.

When you reached the end of the aisle Feliciano grasped both of your hands. "Gorgeous," He sighed out contently. Causing an unneeded blush to form on your face.


The reception was finally over, and the two of you were now officially husband and wife, and you couldn't be happier.

After most of the guest left, Feliciano led you towards the nearest balcony.

With a content sigh, you looked up to the beautiful stars twinkling in the sky.

"You know, I'm still kind of shocked you asked for an evening wedding." You giggled.

"But that's the best kind of wedding!" He declared, wrapping an arm around your waist. "And you deserve the best."

His happy, gentle voiced soothed you.

"You know, (F/N)," He started. "I made this vow to God, but now, I'll vow it again." He gently turned you around to face him, then gently caressed your left cheek. "I swear on my life, that I'll make you the happiest wife on the face of the earth, no matter the cost."

With that, he concealed his vow with a kiss, which you gladly returned, though air tore you apart sooner than you wanted.

"Tu sei la cosa più bella del pianeta," He whispered sweetly into your ear. "Nemmeno le stelle o la luna può abbinare la vostra bellezza..."

You didn't know what he was saying, but it sounded super romantic, so you couldn't help but blush at his words.

"Ti amo, (F/N)." He said as his face started leaning in again.

"More than anyone, More than anything."

wedding night (italy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now