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I promise, its fluff.
Taehyung PoV.

"Taehyung?" I heard my angel say.

I looked beside me to see the most beautiful thing on this earth. Her side profile looking gorgeous as she looks at the stars above us.

"Yes angel?" I said, moving closer to her and nuzzling my nose on her pink rosy cheeks. Her little giggles making me giddy and greedy, wanting to hear more of her cuteness.

She points to the stars, looking at me with wonder, "Why is moon so far away from us?", she asked. Her voice soft, almost baby like, as the galaxy in her eyes light up. Luring me in the black hole that I will gladly go to.

"What do you mean, angel?" I asked her. She moves closer to me slowly, snuggling close to me as she rests her cheek on my chest. Resting her hand under her chin, looking up to the sky once again, she says,

"Why is the moon so far away from us?", she puts her leg on mine as I grab a blanket to cover us both, "Mother Earth likes the moon very much. Us children didn't take care of her properly and Sun hurts Mother but Sun can't help it. Sun is hurting Mother because of us and she can't take care of Mother. Moon takes care of Mother when she's sick and hurt, she listens to Mother when she's sad and calms her down when she's angry. If Moon and Mother like eachother so much, then why is Moon so far away?" Her question holds so much innocence that makes her even more precious.

"Well, angel, maybe because Moon likes watching Mother where she can see her."

"Moon can see Mother if shes closer, why can't she come?"

"Angel, that's not how it works." I chuckle to her, she looks up pouting at me.

"Moon like seeing her farther away because she likes seeing everything of Earth. To see how beautiful her perfections and imperfections are, to see the happiness on Mother's face when Moon shines brightly. To Moon, watching the earth afar to be Mother's star is enough to make Moon happy. Do you know why Moon orbits around Earth?" I ask her. She shakes her head, waiting for me to continue like a child listening to story time.

"Its because Moon wants to protect Mother, staying by her side at all costs, and telling Mother how beautiful she is. The flowers to the oceans of unexplored creatures, Moon loves Mother and everything about her."

"What did Mother do for Moon? Why does Moon take care of Mother, what did Mother do?" She asks, curiosity in her eyes.

"Well, Mother may not know it but Mother is the reason why Moon is here, watching over us and having a name to be called. Without Mother, Moon will be lonely and sad, having just be a star that nobody cares for. You dont want that right?"

"No!! Moon is pretty and Mother likes her so I like Moon too!!"

I smile softly, "Well is that all the questions you have?"

"What am I to you?" She asks, closing her eyes and her breath getting calmer with each breath she takes.

I run my hand through her hair, giving her forehead a kiss before saying, "You're my Earth."
Was it okay?? I got the idea when I was doing my school work and this came out on a playlist.

Thanks for reading, bye!!

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