Chapter Twelve, Epilogue

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Chapter Twelve, Epilogue

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Chapter Twelve, Epilogue

It's been thirteen years since Tony had married Riley-Mae, and in that time not only had the Stark family increased, Tony had stayed true to his word. After their honeymoon/family holiday in Skegness the family had moved permanently into Potter Manor along with Andromeda, Narcissa, Draco. As the latter two didn't want to go back to Malfoy Manor so they lived with Riley-Mae.

Narcissa and Draco has worked hard to change the Malfoy name around (though Narcissa had changed her name back Black as she was no longer married to that vile creature), now that Lucius was no more. Since then Draco had married Astoria Greengrass and had a little boy who was nine years old who also lived at Potter Manor. Tony and Riley-Mae had been blessed with three more children since they married. The first two were twin girls that were almost identical except for their eyes. The oldest Jamie Iris Stark has curly black hair and looked exactly like her mother except for Tony's brown eyes.

Whereas, her twin Lily Luna Stark who also had curly black hair and looked exactly like her mother as she also sported Riley-Mae's emerald green eyes. Both girls were eleven and would be starting their first year at Hogwarts, along with their older siblings. Teddy who was fourteen would he going into his fourth year at Hogwarts and was in Hufflepuff, Morgan who was thirteen was in Ravenclaw and would be going into her third year at Hogwarts. Ravenclaw definitely suited Morgan as she had a love for books that none of her siblings shared.

Then, there was their youngest child and second son, Grayson Remus Stark. Who was nine years old the same age as his cousin Scorpius. Unlike the rest of his siblings (expect for Teddy who was a metamorphmagus) Grayson had his grandmother Lily Potter's red hair colour, his mother's nose shape but the rest was all Tony, he could pass as Tony's redheaded mini-me. Usually technology didn't work around magic, but Tony had invented a phone that worked around magic, so he could have Jarvis contact him if he was needed at Stark Industries in New York.

Tony and Draco had gone onto business together selling Tony's phones to the Magical and Muggle population. Which helped Muggle parents keep in contact with their children while away at Hogwarts, and of course all the Stark and Malfoy family had one (including Andromeda and Narcissa), which made keeping in contact with each other easier. Though in the Magical Community only witches and wizards that were married to Muggles, Muggleborns? Halfbloods and a select few Purebloods brought them. The rest were stuck in their ways, but their business was still booming as they sold the phones all around the world and had them delivered internationally.

Riley-Mae had followed her dream, encouraged by her family and friends, and wrote a series of children's books that were also extremely successful in both the Magical world and the Muggle world, though she used a pseudonym so no one knew she had written the books. All in all the family were doing exceedingly well with their new life, but now Tony and Riley-Mae were trying to get their four oldest children ready to catch the Hogwarts Express.

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