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AUTHOR'S NOTE: My gosh! Thinking this scenario makes me scream haha! I hope you like it! But I am sorry if it's a long one-shot smut fanfiction. By the way, this Trick version collection will be a continuous fan- idol series meaning they will be having different ways of choosing a fan to do their tricks :)

Y/N has a friend named Aejin who is a fan of The Boyz, but Y/N has other groups that she likes and her friend keeps showing her the videos to her so, that she will be a fan of them. Then there was one-time Aejin went to her house...

"Y/N! The Boyz will be having a comeback! " Aejin said.

"Oh! That's great! Did they already have the video teasers or photo concept?" Y/N asked.

"Yup! They are very handsome and hot on their released photos and teasers!" Aejin said then she showed a video of one of the recent teaser videos of The Boyz and Y/N was amazed and can't take eyes off in each member.

"So, who did you notice the most?" Aejin asked.

"It's Sunwoo! But they were all handsome and hot as hell! " Y/N said and Aejin laughed at her.

"I know! We really should wait for their come back!" Aejin said and Y/N nodded and smiled at her. In the Boyz's dorm, the members are thinking what they can do for their fans...

"Do you have any suggestions or ideas that we can do for our fans?" Sangyeon asked.

"I am thinking if we can do the things that we can do what assigned tricks to us in the video. Don't you think?" Kevin said.

"That's an interesting idea, Kevin!" Eric said.

"But it depends on how we will gonna show to our fans right?" Sunwoo asked.

"Yup! Also, I think it will be our decision on how we will choose our lucky fan to show our tricks to them." Hyunjae said.

"You're right Hyunjae! We can start from the first trick." Sangyeon said.

"Oh! I will be the first one huh?" Sunwoo said and smirked.

"Yup! Then the rest of us will think of our fan contest on how can we choose our lucky fan." Hyunjae said.

"Ok! I think I have something in my mind right now." Sunwoo said.

"That's great! You can do it whatever you want Sunwoo." Sangyeon said and Sunwoo nodded and winked at them and the members laughed at him. Then going back to Y/N who is randomly watching other videos, suddenly there was an announcement from The Boyz and it was from Sunwoo and they were excited because Sunwoo will have his surprise fan contest but he didn't tell what will be and he just told them that prepare for their phones and he will do it in the next few minutes.

"OMG! I am excited about his surprise fan contest!" Y/N said.

" I hope one of us will experience the surprise fan contest of Sunwoo!" Aejin said. Then while they are waiting for Sunwoo to start the event, Y/N is going to the bathroom but someone wants to have a video call with her, and as she accepted it was...