1. :3 Im not telling my age but older than 10 and younger than 15.
2. :3 I have three dogs and two fish *Whispers* The Fish act like they are human help o3o.
3. :3 Things i like to do: Drawing and painting, writing on wattpad, youtube!, putting on body paint/ makeup, dance, watch anime, watch cooking shows, bake and so many more o3o.
4. :3 I like to watch anime The animes i watch are Black butler, Hetalia, and host club. I know not many but im still finishing up hetalia then ill watch something else :p.
5. :3 I have blue eyes and no one in my family does idk where i got them from.
6. :3 I hate spiders no scratch that i hate INCECTS Like they crawl, some bite, and they can FLY like what the hell first they can crawl everywhere no they can FLY. I can run but i cant hide ;-;
7. :3 I cry alot, i can cry easily like if i watch someone cry i will cry, like on youtube SuperMaryFace got a package from her best friend she moved away from to live with her boyfriend (CinnomenToastKen) so while watching she was crying and i fudging started to cry. ;-;
8. :3 I LOVE sweet things, When i was little my parents said i would have a fit if i didnt get candy x3. My favorite candies are sour and sweet twins, gummy coca cola :3, carmel and white choclate :3, carmel, carmel, carmel, and carmel, oh have i mentioned carmel? :3.
9. :3 I caught two butterflies with my bare hands while playing in the park o3o Im the butterfly whisperer.
10. :3 Im not the most atheletic person you could meet i mean people are jogging at 6 am. Me im eating pringles watching netflix x3 :3 and im so lazy fudge 20 im making 2 parts x3.
20 Facts About me :3
Random20 facts about me :3 @SDMines wanted me to do this and it took a whole week for me to find out cause wattpad was being a pain in da butt anyways Enjoy~