Hi, I'm Caleb!

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The winter rain and freezing winds whipped at his face as he walked along the bridge, suitcase clutched tightly at his side. The waters ran rampant bellow, swirling pools of death, with a spiky bottom. This wasn't his first time stopping here, but today, he thought it would be his last.

Setting down the suitcase, it opened with a click, unvailing its contents. A small firearm with a single round and an empty magazine lay, neatly sorted into its own section. Along with it, was a note, covered in see-through plastic, stapled to the middle of the suitcase.

The rain became torturess and the winds like jet engines. The man could barely stand up straight, his now soaked suit flapping with the wind. He loaded the round into the magazine, a small, metallic click rung out from it, barely audible from the torrent of wind rushing his ear drums.

He stared at the suitcase, focusing on the note he had staple down to it. He couldn't tell whether it was rain, or his own tears running down his face. Neither did he care.

He neared the edge and looked down once again, the current of water stronger than ever. The rocks, as sharp as ever. And his mind, as broken as ever.

???: Hello!

A voice came to his head and he waz startled, looking to the source of the noise. It was a boy, below average height, tanned skin, long brown hair, and hazel like eyes.

???: What are doing here?

The older man quickly tucked his firearm into his waistline.

Older Man: Shouldn't you be at home?

He asked, confused as to why a young man was out here, in these conditions.

???: Im just on one of my routine walks!

He replied bubbly, seemingly unaware of the rain and winds.

Older Man: Do your parents know your here? They could be worried.

His face flashed a pained look before going back to its overly bubbly expression.

Me: No, they know I'm here.

They stood there for a minute. Before the older man looked back down towards the water. Thinking about whether he should still jump, or wait for the young man to leave.

???: You know, this isn't the best answer, right?

The older man whisked back to the young man, who was leaning on the railing of the bridge. Both startled and confused as to how he knew.

???: It may only hurt for a little, but it'll hurt a lot longer for those who you'll leave behind.

This seemed to infuriate the man. He was so young, he couldn't possibly know what he was feeling.

Older Man: You dont know what you're talking about kid. You don't know what this truly feels like!

He shouted at the young man. His face seemed to grow dark, an expression of hurt flashed before going to a pained smile.

???: Actually, I do.

The young man pointed behind the older man, and he froze when he saw it.

???: Thats why I dont want you to do it. It hurts you, for only a second. But hurts everyone else for a lifetime.

The older man snapped out of his stupor and stumbled back, falling onto his rear, stammering to his feet.

Older: H-how - W-why - Wh-what?!

The wind seemed to become even stronger and the rain came down faster and faster. The older man turned and bolted down the same path he came, screaming in terror.

???: And please. Don't come back.

The young man stepped forward towards the small shrine.

???: It always looks so pretty.

A small card sat above a pile of handpicked and grown white daisies, with a small plush bear sitting within the semicircle.

"Gone too early. We miss you Caleb."

The young man picked up the small plushie and sat within the ring of flowers. The shrine was unaffected by the winds and rain, as it seemed to be slowly dying. As the clouds parted, the sun penetrated through the sky and shone of the daisies. It always looks so pretty.

Hi, I'm Caleb. I was 17 when I died. And now I try to save others from a fate such as mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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