(person one, downstage, stage left. person two, downstage center. person three, downstage, stage right. Person 1 and 3 dressed in muted/dark color, person 2 in black)
Person 1: You see your reflection in the mirror.
Person 2: In the mirror.
Person 3: You see yourself reflected in the pane of glass.
Person 2: Pane of glass.
Person 1: You recognize your parents features in your own. Your mother's eyes, your father's nose. You feel like an echo of them
Person 2: Echo of them.
Person 3: You see your parents reflected in you, but that's not what makes you, you.
Person 2: What makes you, you.
Person 1: You don't see your inner and outer beauty and grace. What you see in the mirror, you hate.
Person 2: You hate.
Person 3: Your mind takes your insecurities and twists them, making you hate yourself.
Person 2: Making you hate yourself.
Person 1: You look to the side, looking for the object that could help you deal with the pain.
Person 2: Deal with the pain.
Person 3: But then (pause) you stop.
Person 2: You stop.
Person 1: Your friends' voices echo in your mind.
Person 2: Echo in your mind.
(the rest of the voices are heard from offstage)
Person 4: You are beautiful
Person 5: You are strong.
Person 6: You are worth it.
Person 2: I care about you
People 2-6: You are important and we are here for you.
Person 1: You smile. Those echoes in your mind saved you.
Person 2: Saved you.
RandomThose echoes in your mind saved you. .Short skit written from drama. rough draft, may not be used/taken down