A year later...
Knight Moon opens up Jordan Mars's Tomb...
Knight Moon: It's time to accept who I am.
Knight Moon takes Jordan Mars's lightsabers...
Knight Moon leaves his lightsaber in Jordan's coffin...
Jordan Mars returns to Otto Beats...
A few hours later...
Master Amara: You are back!
Knight Jordan Mars: And I'm returning back to Jordan.
Master Amara: Good, by the way the Council gave you a Padawan, you should train Sade, and I got to get to Dagoo.
Knight Jordan Mars: May the force be with you.
Knight Jordan Mars returns to the Council...
Master Nathan: The Council agreed you will have a Padawan.
Master Arno: I think it's best to tell Knight Jordan.
Master Nathan: Next year Master Kimi and I are exiling ourselves, Master Arno and Master Jane will take our place.
Knight Jordan Mars: It's sad you are already retiring.
Master Nathan: I'm not retiring, we are opening a store.
Master Kimi: I agreed to this store idea.
Master Nathan: I hope you aren't disappointed father.
Knight Jordan: I'm not, but I will miss you a lot.
Master Nathan: By the way Darth Helix wants to trap us, he's plotting at Boombox Junction on Muddaforrk.
Darth Helix: The Jedi will be doomed!
Darth Ganesha: I sense Knight Moon will come.
Darth Helix: He will be our Christmas Ornament.
Knight Jordan: Take us to Muddaforrk Pilot.
Padawan Sade follows Knight Jordan...
Knight Jordan sleeping in his room...
Padawan Sade drinking water in the living room...
Pilot flies to Muddaforrk...
Darth Ganesha: 17 Sith Lords will show up after I talk to Knight Moon, we will have a lot of fun with his corpse.
Darth Sierra: You can hurt him really badly but I want to talk to him after you doom him, you must not kill him.
Darth Ganesha: You have feelings for him?
Darth Sierra: No, I Just need to talk to him.
Darth Ganesha: Hopefully my men won't hurt him too much.
Darth Ganesha laughing...
Pilot lands the Ship...
Knight Jordan: Are you coming with me?
Padawan Sade: No, I have to tell the Pilot if there's a trap.
Knight Jordan: Okay, hopefully there isn't a trap.
Knight Jordan walks off of the Ship...
Knight Jordan walks to Darth Ganesha...
Darth Ganesha: Hello my Jedi friend, are you here to die?
Knight Jordan: If you are asking for your funeral than yes.
Darth Ganesha: You are doomed!
Knight Jordan: You think you can defeat me?
Star Wars: Jordan's Story
Fanfiction3 year old Jordan Mars becomes a Jedi and goes on a long Journey fighting a war against an army of Sith Lords.