You're my Best Friend

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I'm Febryle Grantuza. I have a lot of friends. In fact, I have 20+ of them, but none of them is my bestfriend. And I have always looking for some. But I just could'nt. I'm not really good at interacting with people.

One uneventful night, I opened my fb and as I scroll down on my news feed. I found someone who is rather interesting and her name is Althea Villavuerde. And I find it funny because she is so noisy in the fb. She's so responsive in every comment. And I figured to myself. I want her to be my friend.

So I did everything I can. Just so she would notice me. And guess what? She did. But I did'nt chatted her yet. To be honest, I'm a bit shy to chat her. I don't know why. So I continued doing my thing so she would notice me. I commented almost every post of hers.

Then one day, a friend of Althea named Gwen chatted me. There's this thing called 'reto' where someone gives you a name and you will chat that certain person, and that's what she did. She gave me her friend's name, and that name is Althea. I think I just struck gold. So of course I immediately chatted her and to my surprise, she instantly replied. 

It did'nt take long for us to be friends. We actually have a lot in common. Weeks and months had past and were still chatting like there's no tommorow. She was so fun to chat with.

A year later me and Febryle decided to meet up in my hometown since we've known each other for a year now so yeah.  Our chosen meeting place is at the baywalk since it's the best place in my town so we decided to meet there.

I already arrived first and it did'nt take long for him to arrive. I did'nt notice him first because he was wearing a jacket and he has a helmet. But when he took of his helmet and smiled to me and said hi. It was so awkward first because it's my first time meeting someone in person.

I don't know what to talk about, it is so different in chat and in real life. Good thing he's very talkative and it did'nt take a long time for us to have a proper conversation.

After our fun conversation, we both decided to have breakfast because we decided to meet up early so we can watch the sunrise together. It was a fun breakfast because it was his treat.

After our breakfast we walked around the dike. We talked, laughed and teased each other. We went in different places and had fun till the sun sets. It was fun being with him and I was so lucky to have him as a friend. He  accompanied me to my house because its getting dark. Before he left, he gave me a gift. It's in a box and told me not to open it until I get inside. We had a friendly hug and then we said goodbye to each other then he left.

I went inside to my house with a smile in my face. I opened the small box and my smile widened when I saw a necklace that has A and F. And then I saw a little note on the inside of the box. It is hand written. It says 'thank you for today my girl best friend.' My eyes actually watered when I read that note, specially the 'girl bestfriend part'. Because I consider him as my bestfriend too.

When I arrived at my house, I immediately saw my mom waiting for me, she asked me none stop about Althea and what happened. I happily told her everything with a smile on my face.

After I washed the dishes, I went to my room, I opened my messenger and saw that Althea chatted me saying thank you. Of course I immediately replied. Then without notice, we already started chatting again.

6 years had passed and our friendship grew stronger, we had many trials but we stayed strong. I'm already 21 and she's 20. Today is her graduation and I decided to surprise her because I told her that I cannot attend because it's also our graduation day but our graduation ceremony starts at 3 in the afternoon while hers  starts at 9 in the morning so I get to attend her graduation day.

It already started and they are already giving them the diploma. I sneakily asked her parents if they they would let me to be the one to pass her diploma to her and to surprise Althea. Thankfully, her parents happily agreed.
So I went to the stage when it's her turn to be given a diploma. Her eyes widen when she saw me and when I handed the diploma to her at the same time saying congratulation to her. She actually cried and hugged me.

I could'nt help myself but to hug Febryle, my bestfriend, because of happiness. I was not expecting for him to come since it's also his graduation days so I was so shocked when I saw him here.

After my graduation, we went to our house to celebrate. With almost all of my relatives and friends present. They said 'congratulations' to me. We laughed and talked and they always tease me and Febryle saying that we make perfect couple but we just laughed at them. Because we don't like each other in a romantic way.

After my celebration. Febryle told me that he have to go because it's almost time for his graduation ceremony. So I asked my parents and my friends if  I could go with him to attend his graduation. Thankfully they agreed. Well they always agree if I'm with my bestfriend since they trust Febryle. So I rode with him in his motorcycle and went to his town.

When we arrived. We entered his home and when her mother saw me, she ran and hugged me saying that she missed me. I already have been here many times. Then his father also came to me and greeted me. I pretty much became close with his parents same as Febryle.

Then it was time for his graduation and I was cheering him whenever he comes up on the stage. After his graduation we went back to his house and same as what happened to mine, we celebrated.

A few weeks later he told me that he have now a girlfriend, not just any girlfriend but it's his ultimate crush since highschool. I was very very happy for him but I don't really liked her for him. She looks like a gold digger and a hoe. But what can I do? Nothing!!

One night he told me that they're having a date with his girlfriend and asked me If I want to join them. I was about to ask him if it's ok but I figured that he asked me to come so I did'nt ask and went out with them.

I went with them and It was fun. I did'nt felt left out because Febryle was good at entertaining us. It was ok until his girlfriend suddenly faced me shouted in my face that I was just disturbing them and I look like a third wheel. It pierced my heart when she said that. I was about to cry but I pulled myself and smiled at her saying that I will go away a bit to get some fresh air. I did that so they can talk. I looked at my bestfriend and I saw worry and shock in his eyes like he can't believe that his girlfriend said that to me. So I excuse myself and the moment I turned around away from them, my tears just fell.

I grabbed my girlfriend's hand and took to a place were there are less people. And as we walked, anger filled my heart because of what she said her. I faced her and I know that fury is visible on my eyes. I was about to shout at her but I was able to pull myself together before I did something that I would regret for the rest of my life. So I breath untill I calmed down and talked to her.

It was so cold in the baywalk. It sends shiver down my spine. I was sobbing silently. I looked into the sky and I see no star nor the moon. The sky is also sad. I walked around the baywalk still crying because of what happened. To be honest? I was waiting for Febryle to come to me when I walked away and It has been half an hour since I came here. Then I thought to myself that I think she chose here over me. Of course he chose her. She is his girlfriend and I'm just his Bestfriend.

That thought made me cry more at the same time the rain just pours down and I just sat in the floor. I did'nt care even when I was already shivering. Then suddenly, a warm coat covered my back. I looked up to the person who did that and spirit lit up when I  saw Febryle Grantuza, my boy bestfriend. He was smiling at me. Then he pulled me up dried my tears, cupped my face and kissed my forehead and said.

"If she can't respect you then she won't respect me either. So I broke up with her. I would rather lose her, just not you. My bestfriend"

That's what he said then he hugged me.  In the middle of a heavy rain we hugged each other. We may not have a perfect friendship, but whatever may happen. We will always be bestfriends.

The end

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