The movie was almost over whenever i woke up. Warren's arms were draped around my waist and he was fast asleep.
"Warren." i whispered, trying to wake him up so i could get up, "Warren. Your arms are heavy. Please remove them."
He then began stirring, and after a few moments, his eyes drowsily arose.Whenever he saw that i couldnt give up, he gave me a playful glare."and why should i?" he asked, with his extremely heavy accent. Even though we were both from the same place, he accent was predominately more noticable. I began to tug at his arms, playfully trying to break free, but he just would not give. His elbow accidentally touched my stomach, and i let out a small chuckle. Oh no! I just reminded him that i was ticklish.
He then flipped us over, him being above me now. His left arm held my shoulders down, while his right began to tickle me. "Warren!" i yelled, laughing incredibly loud, "Stooooop!!" He was still tickling and i was still laughing whenever we heard the front door creak open. My dad.
"Hell." Warren cursed. He quickly lifted himself off of me and dove for a recliner beside the couch i was on. I quickly ran a hand through my hair and sat up, taking "lady like" poster. As soon as i finished fixing myself, father walked in. He was in a terrible mood. He threw his briefcase in a seat next to me, grunted a hello to me, and ran to his room. He was just like a child sometimes.
"Hey, sorry about this warren, but hes in a bad mood, youd better go..." i told warren sadly. He just nodded, gave me a kiss on the cheek, and went outside to his car.
As soon as I knew that he had backed out of our drive-way safely, I ran up stairs to get changed. I had just laid my nicest night gown on my queen-sized bed when I heard what sounded like a large dog barking from outside my window.
Cautiously, I made my way over and peeked outside, and to my amazement was the very same beautiful German Shepard that Greg had been searching for. I quickly ran outside and quietly brought the dog up to my pink and gold decorated room. I was certain that as soon as I brought the dog to my room, she would tear everything to pieces, but instead, she simply laid down beside my door and looked at me.
"Well." I sighed, "I guess I should call your owner huh?" She lifted her head and wagged her tail. What in the world was I thinking? Talking to a dog!
I waltzed over to my nightstand and grabbed the flyer and my phone. I quickly dialed the number and waited for him to answer.
"Hello?" Said a voice that I presume is Gregs." name is Kennedy and I think I found your dog..."
"Really? What's your address? I can pick her up now! If that's okay?"
I told him that now was fine and I gave him my address. After he thanked me, we hung up and I got the dog ready to be given back.
About 30 minutes later, I heard a loud knock at my door. I grabbed the Shepard and ran downstairs, almost being tripped my the pup a few times. Whenever I opened the door, Greg opened his arms and was tackled by his beloved companion.
"Piper!" He yelled in a high pitched voice. I could tell they were both happy to be reunited.
After a few moments more of bonding, Greg walked over to me and tried to hand me one hundred pounds.
"I'm not taking your money." I growled
He kept trying to push the money at me, after a few more tries he gave up and said, "Okay. You won't take my money, but could I possibly repay you by taking you to lunch tomorrow?"