Shadowing the Queen

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“Your majesty!”

Princess Elise of the Elfin Kingdom woke up with a jolt, at the sound of her maid’s scream. The short, blonde elf-woman was scurrying around the room, packing several of Elise’s things into a bag. The woman paused for a moment to grab a dress and throw it at Elise, “You must get dressed, Princess. They have come for you.” She turned quickly and began packing Elise’s shoes. 

The princess got to her feet and pulled off her night gown, replacing it with the dress. “Who has come? I am not supposed to be home for another two months.” The elfin maid came over and began lacing up the back of Elise’s dress, remaining silent. “Henrietta? Why have they come for me?”

“Because, your highness, you are no longer safe here.” A shiver of fear ran down Elise’s spine. She had been sent away from the palace because it hadn’t been safe there. What could have gone wrong?

When Henrietta finished tying up the dress, she returned to packing, “There’s a car downstairs waiting for you. Go now, miss.” 

Elise hesitated. 

“Now!” Henrietta handed the princess, her slip-on shoes and pushed her towards the door. 

“Be safe, Henrietta.” Elise called over her shoulder as she ran down the circular stairway. Elise had been studying at her Uncle Claudius’ house. It had been safe, with thirty two guards watching over it at every hour of the day. Elise had never gone unaccompanied. But at that moment, none of the guards were in sight. 

On the last step she was met by a tall elf-man, “Princess.” He bowed, “I’m here to escort you to your car.” He was dark featured, with a crooked nose, as if someone had broken it when he was younger.

“My maid is getting my things. When do we have to leave?” 

He began walking, ignoring her. 

Elise followed automatically, “Excuse me?” 

In response, he took out his sword and swung. With a yelp, Elise stumbled back, the point of the sword grazing over her bodice. She fell to the ground, but he grabbed her arm and dragged her back to her feet.

Elise looked up and saw a frightening grin on the elf’s face. He was enjoying her fear. But very suddenly, his face was no longer in her view. He had been tugged away from her. Another elf-man, who was closer to her age, had his sword at the neck of her attacker. “That isn’t a way to treat a lady.” And with that, he slit her attacker’s throat. 

“You all right?” He asked, grinning apologetically, “Sorry you had to see that- my name is Tabor. I was sent to get you.” He had an almost boyish face with freckles and round green eyes. Tabor seemed like a friendly elf, but she had just witnessed him murder. “Princess, are you all right?” He asked again, “We must head out.”

“He was sent to retrieve me as well.” Elise told him, gesturing at the dead elf. “How can I trust you?” Someone slapped her on the back, causing her to jump. 

“Don’t be so dramatic, Princess. We were sent by the king.” A blonde elf-girl rolled her eyes before pulling up her sleeve to reveal Elise’s royal symbol burnt into the other girl’s skin; fire inside a crown. “Now we must go. The train leaves in twenty minutes.” She stopped and looked Elise over, “That dress will be a problem.” 

Tabor sighed, “We’ll deal with it later, Brynn.” He and Brynn headed towards the door, “Princess?” 

“My maid…” Elise looked up the stairs, expecting Henrietta to come down at any moment.

“There’s no one up there.” Brynn told her, “I’ve already searched the place. She’s probably escaped. Come along.” 

Elise followed them out into the night and towards the forest. They ducked into the trees and began running; Elise was at least five feet behind them. She hadn’t been trained to run as fast as they did. She was lagging behind and tripping over herself. Tabor slowed and took her hand before speeding up again, practically carrying her with him. 

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