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"My King."
Enthalia's voice was music to the King's ears, yet it brought pain all in the same second.

Kael'dan hadn't been himself. He was thinner, his muscles lacking from where they previously had been. Meals, if you could even call them that, of Dalaran wine and Dwarven Stout had been taking their tolls. Even through his binge drinking, he still remained in shape enough to fight. After all, he frequented the illegal fights that took place under the city of Silvermoon. A few more scars we're on his body now since Zenthara had decided she wanted to find her happiness elsewhere because of such foolish fighting.

He didn't turn when Enthalia spoke, but he answered, his voice deep and cold, "What, Sunblade?"

"Dawnstrider has been spotted at the southern boarders."

"And?" Kael'dan sighed.

"People have followed her."

"Then let them, Enthalia. Whoever wants to follow Zenthara, that's their choice. They only set themselves for failure."

Enthalia moved closer to Kael'dan, sighing. The chainmail of her armor sounded almost like music, yet the thick steel of her suit clanking seemed to drown it out. "That's the thing, Kael'dan, she's thriving. The magi that have gone with her have been building a smaller city in the Ghostlands while those who bare swords are fighting off any unwanted entities that wander in their direction. She is becoming a threat."

"I disagree." Kael'dan hummed before sipping his wine. He stood, swirling the Dalaran Red around the goblet.

"You disagree?" Enthalia scowled, "If I recall right, she threatened you when she left."

"I didn't take it as a threat." Kael'dan murmured calmly.

"Any threats against you, idle or not, I ta-"

"Yes, Enthalia, you take with utmost seriousness. You are no fool, and that is why I had you appointed my personal Knight all those years ago. Threats may be idle to me, but even if I become the fool and do not believe, you will save my ass."

Thalia crossed her arms, the scowl lifting slightly at his words. "Shut your mouth, Kael'dan." She sighed at that, then let her arms fall back to her sides. "As I was saying, she is becoming more powerful. Her small," she hesitated to find her words, then picked back up with sarcasm, "city, if you wish to call it such, has been hand-picked."

"Aye." Kael'dan purred. "Zenthara is a smart woman, and I expect nothing less from her, either. She is the daughter of Lord Thal'antis and Lady Aldenra Dawnstrider after all."

Enthalia scowled once more at Aldenra's name. "Why do you allow the Snake to roam Silvermoon freely? Banish her from Silvermoon already."

"You know as well as I, that effort would be fruitless. Aldenra is, well, more cunning than even myself; even you, even Iiana, even my eldest, most high ranked scholar. There is no banishing a pest that knows the above, the below, and even every crack and crevice Silvermoon has."

"You let her come and go as she pleases." Enthalia growled.

"Because, as I just said, my efforts to rid of her, and all of her 'Eyes' would be for naught."

"Fine." Enthalia retorted. "Then listen, and I'll be finished: I still do not trust Zenthara. No matter what you may think in that fat head of your's, Kael'dan, she is up to something. Since she left, I stopped trusting her, and I will not change that now. Even some of your most loyal within the Sunspire left in the night to follow her."

Kael'dan interrupted again, "Because, Enthalia, no matter what state Zenthara left me in, I will always give her credit. She is, and has always been, one of the strongest women I know. With her mother in her ear, she is unstoppable to me. Let Zenthara do as she pleases. Even if she left Silvermoon on her own accord, she would never sack the city. She loves Silvermoon's people nearly as much as she loves her our children. Killing innocents for petty mischief would be something I could never see coming from her."

"She struck down a scouting party yesterday." Enthalia shot back coldly. "Her own orders."

"Then stop sending them to pester her."

Enthalia sneered before she swiveled on her heels to leave, "I pray to the Light that you are correct about that, Kael'dan. The day that bitch sends an army against Silvermoon, and you, will be the day I bring my blade down upon her. You may think she will not attempt to kill innocents, but as long as that bitch mother of her's whispers in her ear, I will be at the ready. Good night, King." She snarled. The thick wooden doors slammed shut behind her.

Kael'dan chuckled, a small smirk across his lips. Once again, the Dalaran Red swirled in his goblet before he took a sip, "Good night, Knight-Commander Sunblade."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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