Lucy Duty

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A/N: Cassiel's human name is Kai Tachibana (because Makoto yo) sorry if it's bad!

Chapter One: Lucy Duty

"Kai, may I have a word with you?" Ashiya said, cracking the bathroom door open slightly. Confused, I walk into the bathroom and close the door behind me.

"Yes? What's wrong? Are you sicker than you thought?" I asked worriedly. It'd been a week since Urushihara had been scammed into buying a bunch of crap we don't need, and since then Ashiya's been spending his days in our bathroom. Again.

Poor Ashiya may get overbearing and mother-like but I wouldn't want anything bad happening to him.

He shook his head in response.

"No, no, nothing like that, but I do have to ask a favor of you," he said.

"Of course, what is it?"

"I'm too sick to run errands, and it would be appreciated if you would run them for me," he said, shakily handing me a list. I took it from him.

"Yeah, I'll get on it right away, what time does Maou's shift end?" I asked, quickly scanning the list.

"8:30," Ashiya coughed and threw up in the toilet. I cringed at the sight. Jeez, now I'm starting to feel a little sick.

"He's picking up dinner, yeah?" I asked, turning away from him slightly.

"Yes," Ashiya sputtered again.

"Cool, I'm on it," I said as I turned to leave the bathroom. Ashiya grabbed my ankle, stopping me from leaving.

"There is one more thing you have to to..." I braced myself.

"Watch Urushihara," he said, looking up at me. Oh God, how am I supposed to be on Lucy duty when I'm running errands?

"Ashiya, how am I supposed to watch him when I'm gone?" I questioned. His Royal Sickliness responded with a long cough. I inched away from him and towards the door.

"Dude, you need a doctor, seriously," I said, slightly concerned.

"Take him with you," he finally choked out. I sighed, patting Ashiya on the head and leaving the bathroom. Urushihara was in the same spot that I'd left him, not that that was shocking.

"Alright Urushihara, Ashiya put me in charge and we have to run his errands," I said, shutting his laptop.

"HEY! Why'd you do that?!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes. He may have been my leader in heaven and Ente Isla, but on Earth, I was the queen.

"Ashiya is sick and you and I have help out, now get your NEET ass off the floor and put on your shoes," I said. Urushihara grumbled, but obeyed. I smirked as he slowly walked out the door in front of me.

Lucy duty might actually be fun.


"Are we there yet?" Urushihara groaned as we rounded the corner to the nearest market. I sighed and rolled my eyes as he sat on a bench and let his head hang between his knees. This is the most moving he's done in months.

I grab his arm and pull him off of the bench.

"Kai, no," his voice was a combination of weak and bored. Pulled him close to me.

"Listen, Lucy!" I hissed in his ear. "You're a goddamn demon general! Pull yourself together and help me run these errands!" He stared at me wide-eyed.

"Kai! I'm socially awkward! You know that!" I rolled my eyes and continued to pull him behind me like a dog refusing to walk.

"Your socially awkwardness didn't get us kicked out of heaven, did it?"

He sighed and kept pace with me.


"Did you get the noodles, Urushihara?" I asked, putting various seasonings into the basket.

"Ugh, I'm sick of this crap," he said, setting the box of noodles into our grocery basket.

"At least pretend you're grateful," I said, wandering into the next aisle.

"I just want food that doesn't involve noodles, is that too much to ask?"

"Um yeah, we're broke as hell."

"Fair enough," Urushihara sighed as we checked out.


"We're home!" I yelled as we walke through the door. Maou and Chiho were sitting at the table and Emi was using Urushihara's laptop. Immediately he dropped the groceries he was carrying and ran to his prized possession.

"Welcome home, Kai, want something to eat?" Maou said to me, holding up a greasy MgRonald's bag. I gratefully take it from him and sit across from him and Chiho.

"How was shopping, Kai?" Chiho asked in a slightly intimidated voice. I smiled gently, relaxing her tense shoulders.

"It was fine, not as fun as clothes shopping, especially when I'm on Lucy Duty," I replied, taking out the burger from the MgRonald's bag. Maou grinned.

"I'm impressed, you're the first person to get him to leave the building since you guys got here," he said admirably. Chiho and I laughed as we all began to eat.

"Are you serious?" Emi asked from behind me. I turned around and saw her scrolling through a web page. The top said the words 'Browser History'. Urushihara elbowed her away from his computer.

"What? I online game! Is that suspicious to you?!" He hollers. Emi looked grouchy as she joined us at the table, grumbling under her breath. I rolled my eyes. Typical Emi, always thinking that the demons were up to no good.

"I'm leaving, there's no reason for me to be here," she said finally, standing up and walking towards the door.

"Good. Leave," Maou said, relieved Emi wouldn't bother us for the rest of the night. She slammed the door behind her, shaking the table slightly.

"You know she'll be back tomorrow," I mumbled into my burger. Maou sighed. "She is a piece of work."


Chiho was gone and now we had to go to sleep, which for Urushihara, ment an hour of whining before any of us got any rest. I laid out the blankets as Maou tried to persuade Urushihara to shut of the computer.

"Urushihara, you need rest! The computer will be the death of you, I swear!" Maou yelled as Urushihara took a defensive stance in front of his laptop.

"Dude, come on! It's totally fine! I don't have to use it all day! I just want it now!"

"Kai! Do something about your fellow fallen angel!" Maou yelled at me. I rolled my eyes but walked towards Urushihara. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled his ear towards my mouth like I did when we picked up groceries.

"Lucifer! Pull yourself together! This isn't Ente Isla! You can't just do what you want! Go to sleep, or I'll make you!" I growled. He shrank back.

"You know, it's been a long day, I think I'm going to sleep... 'Night guys," Urushihara said quickly as he dropped to the floor and pulled a blanket over his head. Maou nodded.

"Impressive, now if we could only find a way to cut his Internet time..." He paused, then shut off the lights.

"Goodnight Ashiya, goodnight Kai," he said as I pulled blankets over myself.


(A/N: in case you guys were wondering, Cassiel/Kai was one of the angels that fell with Lucifer when he was thrown out of heaven, and she came to earth from Ente Isla with him)

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