Eyes Wide Open

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Elisabeth POV :

Fantasy fairytales from years and years of un truth worthy to children and older ...

Fairytales like mermaids man or women on the seas believe that they have seem them some say there are nice ones but some say they are dangerous and they are not what the seem they say there beautiful before there eyes but there beauty is evil they sing with these soul full voices so they can get they prey or food and well man fall in to it easily my father told me about that part but I still think it was just trying to get more scared of the seas out and open with no land but just plain blue or green water and nothing else but what's in the water that you have to worry about ...

I never did believe in those methods of stories and fairytales ...

I walked down the stair case to the ball room and gasped in amazement today's when I turn 15 and it's my ball today I looked around for my father but I couldn't find him so I tried to find Vincent and I found him I ran over to him and covered his eyes with my tiny hands

" who you ?" I said and giggled at the end

" Beth ?" he asked and chuckled

" wow your good " I said when he turned around

" I am always bethybear " he said

" oh shut your trap and guess your best friend a hug " I said and he wrapped his arms around my waist and I laughed when he Spun be around and put me down with his hands still on my waist

" you know you got me scared when you left me like that out at seas all thoughs stories you could have been killed " I said layed my head on his chest hearing the beats of his heart

" I'm fine Beth I'm here right with you that all that matters right ?" he asked

" yeah I guess but you still could have been killed out there " I said looking up at him and he looked down at me and smiled and I returned it

" Beth " I turned around to see my father and I smiled and huged him and he did also

" where's Katy ?" I asked in disgusted but tried to cover it

" with Alexandra " he said and sad hit his eyes

" you know you didn't have to marry her she doesn't cAre about you father when she finds another man with money she will take all yours and goon with the next man she's she's a bi-" I was about to finish when my father shook his head

" you know why I did this I don't care about her anyways I just care about you being saf-" father said until got cut of mid sentence

" George ?!" someone called for my father

He looked at the man and smiled until I saw serious fear in his eyes but as quick as I saw is as quick as it was gone and he kissed me on the top of my head and walked off

I stood there still watching him walk off with that man into the hall were I couldn't see them anymore

" Beth are you okay ?" Vincent asked me

" yes " I said " but why was he feared of him ? " I questioned

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2012 ⏰

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