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It's That Time Of The Year!
do you know the 831 sequence ? ♡ ❞

track 1 —  ᴄʀᴜsʜ ⁰¹

fluffy fluff
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  [ undertale ˚₊ ]

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it's the prank here, prank there of the month. april 1st, best time for confessions that you can just joke after if you get rejected! finally, after being a hopeless romantic (from typically the day you were born), you now have the courage to tell what you feel.

believe it or not, it took you 5 days to convince yourself what you will be doing is okay and if it won't work, then duh— fix it after.

you snatched your phone from your pocket, unlocking it and soon finding for sans' number on your inbox.

~ [ 🍀 ] ~

calling . . .


~ [ 🍀 ] ~

it wasn't long when he picked up with his  hoarse morning voice. ❝yes, (name)?❞

❝❛ oops. ❜❞ you thought, blushing. you forgot he wasn't a morning person— but! you didn't expect his voice to be this— this— um, anyways— ❝Good morning~!❞

❝it's still early. did something happened?❞ he sounded so confused, you sucked in the little giggles you wanted to let out. not long after, you hear some shuffling on his side.

❝❛ deep inhales, self. deep inhales. ❜❞

you're so going to regret this, your body and heart agreeing with your brain as you blush intensely, the phone in your hand shaking. hey, it wasn't your fault asking something stupid makes you giddy— you weren't used to being treated right, after all.

❝I was— I was, um...❞ your voice was shaky, your brain trying to calm you as you play with your hair. you gulped as your heartbeat quickens, and with your eyes closed, you inhaled deep.

❝. . . Askyououtonadatetoday.❞

a peaceful silence envelops the call, your thoughts already regretting your choice and calling yourself a(n) baka. you're pretty sure you also did an internal face palm with how messy and dumb you sounded.

❝. . .❞

sans chuckles at the other line, calming you down a little. ❝i uh, appreciate it, (name). i really do, but i’m gonna have to refuse, pal. how about you come over to my place? paps already asked me to invite you here yesterday.❞

❝Huh? Is there an occasion?❞ confused, you rethink your schedule for today's month. there really wasn't anything to note of except maybe for a few activities you're planning to do at weekends. you came into the conclusion that you didn't really mind coming over, and a win because you'll still be around him anyways. ❝Yeah, sure. What time are y'all expecting me to come?❞

❝mhm, let me think,❞ he hums to himself, as a door knob getting twisted sounded, and a door closing from his line. ❝no pressure, really. you can come here as early or late as you'd like, just uh, not really late. you know the streets.❞

❝❛ That's so cute, (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) ❞❜ internally dying from praising his being, you refused the urge to overhype the happiness you're feeling. with a sign, you responded, ❝I don't have anything to do today, so expect me at 9.❞

❝you got it,❞ you can imagine the wink and finger guns from here, ❝have safe travels, (name).❞

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you tried to look your best, adjusting your hair. pulling out one of the outfits you think was best for any occasion. you did a thorough examination of yourself, and did a small self- encouragement to further boost your mood. hey, love yourselves, aight?

after, you grabbed your bag, and locked the door to your place. you didn't really expect to see toriel parking her car in front of your house, with alphys on shotgun and frisk on the back.

the goat lady smiles, ❝(Name) dear, you're just in time. Frisk was about to text you if you wanna join us to Papyrus and Sans’ place, since we're going there together, I thought you would not mind coming.❞

we love a thoughtful mom, please adop— ❝Thank you so much! And sure!❞

❝Remember to put on your seatbelts.❞

the whole ride consisted of small talks and giggles, alphys saying undyne, her girlfriend, was already there and waiting. you're honestly just confused still what's the occasion but didn't dare ask because you courage to die in your throat.

finally arriving at the place, you guys settled inside. you sure hoped you heard the three of them right when they, in sync, declared:

❝Happy Birthday, Sans.❞

❝❛ oh. ❞❜

so, THAT was the occasion!

❝heyyy! glad to have you guys, thanks.❞ he smiles(?) wider. his pupils travelled from them to yours, and you swear it got wider for a second. ❝there you are, (name). glad to have you also,❞

❝SANS! THE SPAGHETTI!!!❞ someone from the kitchen sounded, almost killing your eardrums as the guy mentioned jumped a bit.

❝on it.❞ he replied, ❝eh, (name), i know you just came and uhh, heh. do you wanna come with? it's just for a few minutes.❞

❝Meh, beats me.❞ you shrugged, as he put a thumbs up. the two of you, for some reason, disappeared into thin air and landed on the grocery store.

❝i appreciate the thought of you coming over, (name).❞ he started, and you, out of nowhere, began to sweat. the two of you started walking in the aisles, searching for a specific brand for papyrus and undyne will cook. ❝i'm uh, just curios about something. i've been noticing it lately.❞

you perked up, hands starting to sweat. ❝What is? It's not something bad, right?❞

❝eh? silly, of course not.❞ his hand caught a pack of spaghetti, carefully inspecting the name of the brand. ❝the screenshot you sent me yesterday, who were you talking about, actually?❞

❛❝ the . . . what ? ❜❞

he held up his phone on his non-busy hand, with it the picture, and under it, an unintentional uncropped version of you and your friend talking about your feelings for him showed. there were no names to specify, but . . .

❝Uh, about that . . . Um,❞

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