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There was a girl name Aish.. She lives with her parents in South India , In busy city with more population and beautiful atmosphere with beautiful culture ..
When she was at the age of 7yrs she had a beautiful kind hearted friend name BANU. They were enjoying their school life with fun and loveable moments... They became soulmate at one point. they use to read together, play together and eat together. Such a beautiful days they spent.

Eventhough she had a beautiful friend, but the teachers and other students around her started to hate Aish. She don't know what is happening there. She use to think * why  why ,they are targeting me and scolding me. I dint do anything on them. Then why* .

Her friend use to tell *just leave it. Don't pay attention on them. One day everything will get solved*.
Her friend use to cheer her in every situation.

One day the problem got worst.. So she was like crying whole day and can't concentrate on studies. So the management and her parents started to ask her
*what is happening. Why are you so sad nowadays? * 
She replied *i am not happy here. They are always targeting me*.
The teachers replied *she is not concentrating on studies*

Then the management and aish parents warned the teachers and left.

The problem was not solved. One day aish went to teachers and asked them *why are doing like this?  Did I make any mistake? Please tell me and please don't hurt me*

The teacher replied *we don't like you. See ,how fat are you? We became irritated when you come near me*

Aish was like *what! * she cried and left the room..

She bust in to tears and shared everything happend in teachers room with her close friend banu..

{ what happened next?  Will see you in next episode }

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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